Thursday, October 15, 2015

****city community plan to remove undesirable persons any mobsters point at jointly working via criminal scam community wasting lives w/o pay

rd hair ml chld frm schl-wau dng? cntnd trzg I cld nt hear well repeatedly using word sauce flwg crsg ovr anytime I crsd bthrg with mlcs qstns dsgnd to wst u but exmpt slvs as perpetrators of trzg. chld fnly stpd by nls apts dmpstrs used his cell nd arangd fr pkup by blk trk w/strp ptng the blm on me instead w/sm mlcs remrk t mk me fool instead while I was the trgt the entr tim.w cr drk top conv 4th d grd nts are insuf due to heat illness strs mnpltn blkouts nd bd rgt arm coordntn fr shldr lvl. I rem 1 bk qt clrly bthrd me thn cm bk to grp ptd smtg out nd purp md fl out of me -nt u clm dn. 2 in blk on bk- nt ? mob up grd brdg. I copied dn ths plt by clns psb one of sgnlg crs lkd bg w tl or higher thn usual trnk.5rwr158. shrf near chev lkg to mk idiot out of me for mob as an undesirable cs if lkg to find flt is among activities on mob cmnty list.prsn lying in hammock he attchd to trees, by prk/rd. rnded slv cr splr zm sd t brdg. grn-blu-rd sht bk p grd. bg/brn 2/tn p grd. fem hr ptd blk mob frd chrty w/brgr. I blv she hd svrl fldsh hr dgtrs nd ws prkd in prk rd hd blk suv w/silv line horiztl alg its bdy. u got mob brglrzg srvg up psn nd psg slvs as gdrs.????????2 fms stg by civic clk unkn bus -mob trsts alt cld be sm othr grp. 555p civic lg dk hr chks rpt bp dk grn 289 suv ps pk d mntg.slv suv scr out of rlys.  flwg ucf289 po myers bk hi?! out of mrs ? blu anglr mvn hlo rlys lot bk. xnsy w trk? out by rec d orod. blu mvn crs twd rlys mob wtg ?????blu mvn crsg rd lt ylg?mob crsg d ? mob cr ba bf me. altrnt mob fem frm hdn veh lkly at ba sm tm as me nd prtnded nt to be abl t tell clr of suv in lot but I knw shes nt bld lk me nd drvs.brd drgn ???p shl d lnc. $tree addtnl mob cr off blk-sorry bk -hyd tdy?in fct mob elmntn teams stealg brglrzg deceiving etc as prt of mob gm. mob by $tr gd wl sv u-tht wy mob crm cn go free. 4d shny rd trkby bg lots drvr wlkg fr bg lts hrsg me while lg item ws crted tohis trk by empl fr big lots hd plt wch rds -old nuz. nsy cr p mrs d ohw w nsy cr mrs d ohw. w nsy cr mrs d ohw. w nsy cr p mrs d ohw. w nsy cr mrs d ohw. w nsy cr  mrs d ohw 4y34192 w mid hrztl strp offrd $1 mlcs spt cmpliments of mb -I tld thm thy hv t py fr evr. shl -ylg blk suv p mrs linc. no cns shl. hrd whst ohw orod ylp mob cr to bk sd of str*************************** hiding its plt nd mob prtcpts. it did hdg on othr accsns nd switched teams occupts insd ths car 5cah161 w cr. ths ws algd krn strg cor cop son cr etc. thy yell cll me bitch crse. exp -u p oh d orod. w trk rf nd ard bk lgts bp pp d lw. abv w cr ps thrft thrwg at spd amg mob trks  d lw nsy w pikup plg attchmt p a1 d lw. vh bp p rob mb w trk d mntg mult prsns on str sd p rob d high -hi...rpt antgnzg remks grp trz mob cr W HDG CR - *****************D U KNW W WLMRT IS -TK PICTR JUST BCS I ND VRFY WH MOB IS. by the wy thts wr mny brglrs occr, etc.gry mvn w rd emphszd plt my eyes cld nt ctch at distc trn rob nd join w cr bhd it. aftr going frw 1 on mrs othr on rob bth vhs tk mrs d mitch. off rd  ????********************city pln in fct trst crm perptrg org***************** 289 mob trsts -susan...nw fnd.mob wnt ard gzbo mny tms nd yld bsds thr wr othr stk out vehs etc recdg yr conv. 1015p civic. dk suv ?tbl ?brdg lkly - *******************dsbld -fu. bpg mob cr d tbl ylg bk d mrs -*************************people wstg crm teams community endorsed. bpg mob in brdg psb othr vhs. ylg cr brdg t twn - mob prtcpts. in blk bk emphszg fr mob -hey! bh hof brau d grd. mob bpg p allnc d nls hey scr p chrch d grd. mob bk to tbl/nls apts???????????????????????? ylp to tbl nls apts frm tbl all items done as 289 cr wnt rnd rptdly....................... bp -I dt get it mob non stp hdg trst bitch team lkly. mob nls d fogg bp t nls. bp p fogg ard t fogg ard fogg -hlo ard ooh all mob teamsters. hlo up nls bpg p cty recs d nls p fd up nls fr hd ylp sm cr o shit?????????????hlo-up nls sm mob trn 3rd wu gng?3d str dgen d grd d chev d3d dn grd.i recl cpl of abslt mobs twd rlys -wer jst trying t hlp u-sorry this I crm deception act so that people dnt ntc the huge extnt of crm. bcs of ths hoodlms I cn go nowh gt ntg nd everythg of val. is either demolished nd stln w/no recrs compliments of Americas support for fraud chrtabl city plan mob hr to wst u nd mk ths free of chg.

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