Thursday, November 26, 2015

amer police uses tactics and lights to elim trgts nt trsts with whose grps theyv jnd

lg grp of trsts nd endls vhcls nd mlcs rklsns of amer le kp trsts in pwr- lk amer le lk amer mob- mob cntyry hdlm people. gry cr scr dn 11th blkw trk opn bkgrd up of 4th. bp up ps dmpstrs mob fem tlkg t jim welsh at grd nr 4th.???????????????????????????????guy buy crths fr bh me askg re bs stp thn rvs scr bullsht mkg thr in unk drct.????????scdrl mbstr allgd dth bthrg me th str brk mlbx hm -ths up mob trst.????????????m/f tbl dcty???mob twkr fu -coinstgt trs actvt w/amer blsngs w aid mob trsts as if thy wr nrml fn people nd jn mob grps *?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?kp gng ur onl dng ?????????w did I do? - 2 yth mls aftr saying mob cnt fgr theyr trgtg trzg people.thy wr extg area t sd iof ptc dir rlysfu blk mlt dt bpg ??????????slv trk ?strg cnsp aid???sus w cr plinc pop. bf  ???pslinc mrs. 3kvr036 hndg rmn w stn wgn wtd rd blsg all trs mlcs rkls mob. grp out int gry trk cty crn bg lts. lkl rlt t mob.brded oldr guy p$tr on bk - prs stn bp hrd pmrs. gsg blk cr tlnc. nvy mob 4dtrk shl t sd hdg plt ins mny. ****************plnd mob trio sptg mlcs trzg- w cr wcr blk hrztl strp nd dk trk mb sm one but too hrd to see in drk went to empty pkg nr clsd fr ngt lit caesrs crsg trgtg eqpd w mb toy stn unkn dng cpcty nd th 2 crs nd trk prtct  trgtg trzg crm. 4kft884 the w cr one of mob prt vhs-au alr? mob trsts.???stn -fstk???????????als one of crs abv thr shk. blk jk ppp. dlw. blk clt bik trz crn mitch mrs. bk in dk brd drob. w cr mrs mntg lnc ard 1255p mid clr trk mb gry gs psn rw grn. dkr rd cr cty recs chg sts. silv cr bp dn nls ps cty recs mob trs. blk mlt dt up nls spt blk cr pchev 3d dnls. wle cr p chev. nxt trst sm huge lit t wst trgt nt trsts-mob ctry hdlm people.??????????????? silv trk rpt crsg ard clns mob trs - I thgt u wr john. ***************cr dn nls -ur nt gtg anwr-mob country hoodlum people. mob butte mob ter usa.

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