Monday, December 28, 2015

gastronomic money sought vs butte mob butte system trs targeting wasting elimination wasting project

6-6-13 burglary solar attic fan sml amt food los angeles bag my friends meds his non presc fars ighted glasses his change and his money cards my eye glass prescription. appr 8-12-15 accdg t my frd burglary timed with move of gate which he has propped up by rocks never used craftsman red riding lawn mower metal cart both out of shed and wall hanging framed mirror from under desk in trailer- I am putting $1000 value on unpriced mirror delivered with trailer which cost me $70K 35,3 plus insurance until payoff over 20K in moving costs  $10k of which was ovrchg plus interest until payoff plus 4k for repair plan nonusable repair plan fraudulently sold without explaining that for repair trailer to be repaired it needed to be moved to a repair facility. trailer arrived w/o keys not found on trailer nor with realtor here at delivery time. mob aiding public counsel would not help with numerous costly legal hurdles arnd this and when I arrived here I found out now was too late. attempted burglary via double locked door labor day by 3 who looked like they checked out of sun schl and gt int blk mustang and silver or gry trk. 8-21 attempted burg 7am dk sknd ml mb blk demnded phone I was slpg by opn bk door due to heat. 9-26 attempted burg by uhaul who needed t know if we live here as apparently he was gtg rdy t empty all out. attempted burg 10-30 by guy who used prop to climb through wind. numerous rpt othr minor burglrs suspected due to various small items missing. mob rptdly trzs me on daily basis by approaches vehs prpsfl trgtg nd bthrg incldg utlzg kids nd chld/adlt teams at spcfc tms in pst. capable of every crm every tactic and endless lies these trsts hv prtcpts in cty mh, po in orov pd fedex accommodating pub serv and business orgs who cater t their complaining pictr taking tactics. suspect jim walsh who was trgtg my prprty who ws well in on ths explnd thuis bf how pictrs wr tkn art apple orchard and homeless chased out. hmls feml w/o much brn- re orov. pd -smrt rem-they are just like them -the approach mob prjct who trd t run her ovr w/w trk now orville pd is tkg up. gtg hlprs nd aid evrwhr trs snd plc t steal yr nm and hlp thm wst u while they are committing repeat hounding trzg instgtg provocation trs acts. community city trgt elimntn pln.trs scr aacr grd frm rthrm wtr. gry suv ldl rpb  tbl pnls dgrd. mob suv 6nez327 chev cn-prps mlcs inslt fr trgtg trzg prsec dstrctn frm rlt of trs mob cmnt prjc. mob-trs mult clr trk dn 7th bpg-frm cn prtcp-in rlty cmnt wstg mob who tks pctrs uses orgs cty orov pd fr wstg trzg gmks trs pln in addtn t dictatorship wstg yr life nd capct t mk any mny resr accs drct dn tlt- intnt by cty t elimnt trgt nd hmls popltn.rd cr up bpg but I was on edg due t rky road nd hvy bgs. duo lkl mob prtcptg bks t schl wdsprd cvnsp t dmp on trgt bng hnded wsted by cmnt w/o bng chgd. cmnt crmnl prps -dictator destroy nd sht u up w/o pay- no cans no resources no toilets no tips redrctd to mob cnsprcy trs wstg orgs who all cash in. bus security company mkg money ioff of mob cmnt prjct who gv it jobs nd who does nt chs them all persons who brk ljks etc are loose nd all victims such as myself cmnt obj t be destrd or murdrd. num ?wks ago murdr susp hmcd ws said by smn at clns t hv bn of hmls yg fem.-lkl prj trgt-prjctg who prtcts burglars nd murderers as it kills vctms vby iorgnsed trs cnsprcy.i clpsd whl tkg vits ths eve.dlyg my xt.the dy bef at chev yg fem fgtg acrs str w ml appr askg fr pot hwvr I hv ntg t d w drk or drgs-smpl mob trs trgt who invnt mlcs animosity fr mlcs invntns thy pass fr reasonable aS THY RPTDL ENDLSLY WST YR LF DN TLT W/MOB CMNT TRS BLSNGS ND FR WCH CMNT NVR PYS-MOB TRS BUTTE MOB TRS USA-MOB COUNTRY HOODLUM TRS FR PEOPL. GASTRNOMIC CASH SOUGHT VS CMNTYU AND USA T VCT ITS TRS WSTG MOB AIDING PRJ THEY PRTCT SUPPORT ND WHS CRM THY DETRMNDLY PRTCT ND DENY.

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