Friday, February 12, 2016

usa needs pay for murdering me nd evrthg for 40 yrs nd cnstantl kpg my lf at risk

duo houses evn sd my be stkg out fr mob gng frds nd mob pd frdshps in crm. lkl blu mob cr up 13th. hrd dgs btw 8-12p lst ngt mkg me susp they thk they cn frc kp me insd hm by sdg dgs out whn spca is closed nd its hrd t see who thy are. yest thr was rabbi w/o messg frm rabbi w/o walls on face bk frm yrs snc of allgd Andrew rakhman donation. I made a reply t that yest nd both the message nd reply were gn this mrning. in essence mira/Andrew chose to kill my life stl evr I had strnded me amng mob frd frdly  trs gng deadl ht cmnt t die nd went out to make frds w rabbi lkly as scndls as they thmslvs. jws cmnt nvr hlpd me but ive seen them help those who stl frm me big time because thy wre prfsnl con artists. blu cr flpr flwd by blk trk dn 8th. po vh serving mob trs grp offrg muffin on bhlf of brglrzg frd frdly inslt gng mob. by 4th str hm nr clns grn mvn logo 4vpj369-trs mob insd-hyd? grbg pkup who pkup mnly lt in afternoon decided t steal 2nd dmpstr away frm me nd to tp it off was inspctg wt he cld frm me fr or stl frm me nx tm.chevrn cns tkn out. dk grn trk shl ylg ths dn 4th grd tfrw. sm tbl dgrd effemnt vc prb ngr btc tbl dgrd.smn w/trs bag jmp frt of me. ptbl/nls chrch tom w girl blk hair stylish tbl nls dcty? I ask if anyone accepted our sd of tn-he sd ntg. shrf trk wv tbl dnls. they are nt yr frds nd wrkg t prtct mob hndg wstg nd hrsmt for mob cmnty which enjys mob le prtcpts nd po partcpts.mob m/f frm brdg- m-hi hi-dfded by mob f prtctg mob hdg prsctn trs tactics wr brglrzg is free nd protected by le as is persc nd trzg in mass wstg proprtns to hd their real achievements elimination wasting framing thieving trs tactics. trio trs mumblg mob wr smlr shrtr prof mob ylg -stl yr bgs brdge drw. shrf trk wrkg fr mob trs crew crmnls brdg dgrd mob hi oldr ml with tny grl tot-clmg polite -in fact cnctd t mob nd their crm team- familiarizing with those who they cnstntly demolish nd wst. mrn-stf dcl we bth ht each othr- I dt ht him hwvr I dt cr t be abt smn who may be in on some crms of the mob thrts or violence-thts why I cnt hv nthg t do with anyone who oprts or thks tht wy or who does nt value wt is mn.-slf cntrd thrt trs. gsg trk mnt dtbl ns w cr prp whls mnt mrs dtbl dk grn bgr pkup arm wv mntg pmrs dtbl???33146?w1 cnt rd ltr nr recl who ths is cls tlt mrs-reslt of mob looby nd cmnty lobby. sus vhs inc mb w cr rob. mob bpg w cr und ord brdg dlnc ylg vh prec.ylg vh w lnc int popeyes mb bp.overloaded recycler lv grn -one guy sd he drv frm gridley other sd he used bfr empire steel in sth sd. it appears mny clsd dn so rsnbly I cn be strded any momnt nd lkl they pay you less then the law some of the time after they kill u for nthg in frst plc.i wld thk fri fcg atms tlft js bf me 17&06 bg cr ousd lb lnc drvw area hd mlcs inslt chg in hd dsptc bu trs grp. crm trs wnt t mk it seem scm is wt u dsrv as thy wst u bg tm at no cst with cnvd cvrup. amer nd its mobs fully cnvcd u cn be wstd free-ths wld alw crmnls lk thm lvv free at wstg othrs lf exps.  smkg emp out by $tr pltg brtg psng me by $tr blwg smk t my inhltn. by bg lts trs psg cgs dsptc by mob. dst blk trk tlbx f scr ord pmrs lnc gsg ord mrs pl out w/bg  oth susp vh bk ps ??? 8c82248 fr shl jnk rfs psbly pre poisnd-out of gdn of my hrt. 4cxh876 dk grn suv decptn mob -islt mny nc people frm wst u dsptc trs wstg srvcs free inslts t the tune of extra frd wstg by elmntn trzg ultr grd brglrzg aided by mob butte/use its estblsmt nd sys wr mjr ong crm is cvr fr 2 cents at yr expns. scr tk ohw ord mrs sml t fu grbld scrmr =-dft prs-thy hv mny wlg cotrs. sm tr ohw tb- yl fu trk I blv a smt slv 1.5 ohw lw-thy hv mn mob prtcpts aided by le.-yld fu agn. ylr undisc cld be mdl agd evn frgn acctd such as prh chn? js gs 2d tn rnd ohw lw ylg. ppp ohw dord-dummy sm tk. lkl  ?sm agn bp ohw dlw lnc lkl in co of othr trks. slv tk ?bk ohw pa1 dlw. ylg bg suv p?bw le wt tl I crs nv/w suv- gsg ths was mit dspc p mit/mrs crn.

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