Monday, July 18, 2016

sat---3 sus fs ?svc trn mlr e sh psvc mlr w mlt mob lkl prs cns lib n out lib prt mlt area mob crm prs rng og rfl jk ????by mtr. smn ofr fd fm plc  ltl w of wstmnt. cns ??ops lib vcn...???/kng/hlw vcn... cnsp prt by mncpl prtctd ?? ndld crm . trs pgls e--tlk re  ?? nt mdg own bsn ???drk cr ??? kngs as lg as u--dictrsp tlk ??scd trs  ?? ?? ??prs  sh e of crs hts sh pfrf e ofc slp bnc crs hts plc ??? ??? ldr ngs dgqns cl b lnkd t mob  lg bp dk gy cr pstnl flw by ace tk e --i blv**** aces frm sat mrn the dy bf ths e of frf crtnl lnkd t mob prj apx sun---715a ???san mob sc stnl e in ?? plcd tlt paper on my stf -i mvd t gbg -theamer idts idiot thk crm is free.mb f ?rn d ???cws smgl clnd by 7a wknd so snc i am n lngr abl t mv evngs i miss out bdl n cn cm undr scrtn ???? mob gps on cite prtcptn mob sh pgrdn e sus  rfl jk ?fm plm pk cnsp all rnd re my bgs by  cws as og jkt inw abt thm wtht dsclsg the undrcvr trs plcy lkl mob 711e bsy cnsp sh phywt e  mob gp trs?? als 76 mx f ofrg jk  swt bns bk in cws blk f chl ofg dry snk per mob trng ?ng slp crs hts pk earl ltr f in pnk hng out ba/crs hts hlw pk slp wlc wtc me nt rsp as if i ws clprt or thf sh lkl pwstm5833 psd me by acrs pvlns bus stp.. mb sh svc sm mb mtr t mtr bth lkl in on  mob by nori wt opnd up wtr as fvr -fresh cnsp sh???str trsnrs shk w  -plcn ????strg dgs rd sv bpg  ????w  ?? ???? ??? trs rcd hlwy pk -cnsp crm---thts exc who amer lks t kp ard serial crmnls --much easier ftcd victms demolished by their own trs means --mob f lib wlkd t old ldy nd ancd cmp asgn t smn wc she wl rtr ftc me out as she wrks fr trs org scdrl team  mss la jll by urg cr sm dsc rd jkt slpg by anm hsp edinbrg ace tks gn jkts  blkg out mob shfs plm prk whor trnd t tlk lk mob whn thy dslk yr bgs or othr thgs sc as cns. num messes e of frf nd 711 w of frf nd cws mob cmnty nd mob in mltpl cmnties wtn mob ctry------ mon plm  pk bng clnd out city clnrs no cns t lt cl nt mv earl agn  cws hd messes  2 hls crs hts prk of wc 1 ws slpg earl bt thm trs dt btr.--the prfrd trs. fr, shfs, amb pcrs w???? mob sh phlwy w. sh ??p shk rest  gsg e????? ???mob hls w m w/crt w of wstmt--gng- au alr/au ok???? mjrt use str crts--i dt kn why thy dt gv tkts-in pst thy usd t gv out tkts but i almst all hls wt shpg crts now. dk blu pstl mob wtc my ba code trns nd psb lkl agt in area--mob mtv  onl one ---wst their trgts of serial crms by all means-- much appreciated nd jnd by trs amer le--who chs tgts thy wnt t dmls/ kill lkws--of their designated choosing.??svc trs cnst cln out by city evn alm empt lib cn gt clnd out yt agn????in tlt lib wrkr wlkd in nd gt tlt paper frm one stall- i dt knw wt thy r chsng.--at lcn sun eve 2ngrd fs lkg like mln bks trd t $1 insult--america cnt fgr out -thy r dirt nt me --nd wt they owe is mny thrgh their eyes, nose ,nd ears--they shl hnd over evr theirs nd move into street--that wld be on tgt wt their mob kind deserve--they prey on fact i cnt see nd its hard t ctc all details--- so they prey on vctms like all the rest of the terrorists do--their jnt purpose is but to victimize at your expense ----assured engraved guarantee is available frm trsts who hv abs no intention to pay

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