Sunday, April 12, 2015

community run you out of your life gangs with ter america's help and blessings

veh 9th-10th blk turn beep passibly resembling mini van. guy wave suv 4th chevron. guy in wh. to grnd frm rw. crowd smkng in my face and giving me dirty looks as they/. valeros- I rem mex wrkr staring out just as if I did smtg wrg - in reality there is gang campaign with acrive mex etc... organizing menace to me. incidents recycler 1)malicious joke - you've too many cans - sorry - repeat gang joke. 2) mex who accused me taking bldg. num at 257 when they repeat terrorized target - call the police also antr time at recycler tried to accuse me when I accepted bag w/my own lids picked up by his daughter w/o perm.- continues terrorizing told phillippino at recycler a lie claiming it was too late and to chase me out- the low life "honest" phillippino follows orders of scum bag mex. mex cont to compln re _alleged stinking bags and smtg entirely not related to him - eating out of gbg can - organized community ter act running exterm you out of life. mouthy grn suv via $tree pkng dir of big lots. hyd? need cple bks? the Oroville dirt believes - that's all you need. light in my eye as reslt I was nt certain which veh but I believe might've been the blk truck. bef that ethnic fem by big lot $5 refused due to maintained ter persecution in this gang scum town squeezing terrorizing helpless targets every way they might. drnk on grnd catty crnr of $tree attempted to offer 2 cans. dispatched scdrl at shell corner tying bags - bag ter campaign. 23301c1 - there y go empty btle twr. gray trk. 7jfc981 - hi! past twr station wgn community glue ter campgn. 88382p1 - wld y. like sm qrtrs?- was going through mike's burger. criminal dispatched fem bngr by clk - I livd by y. before while veh prked at very substant. dis w/empty btl- glue ter act. when I crossed was 837p. on bridge 2 susp sounding prob mex bangers on bridge frm behd trying to terrorize instigate.  wlkg twds me - hi! in rw twds fem/sm kind of bike- go ahead!the dodge - grnd turn bridge. prior to that suv beep by me twds bridge. ext lge w suv or trk w/hard shell bridge turn grnd - scream. person and child as team on bikes through chevrn. ext lge w pickup w/hard shell driv through chevron. small blk car frm 3rd reverse in $gen driveway. w veh smkg frm hd lot adjacent to sw pushing smoke to my lungs. on nelson frm nelsn apts saw cop cars 2 loc. 2nd loc he was behind 2 civilian veh possibly part of joint ter team who could care less and would like to waste you much as the rest of community ter scum who have all joined the act. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999999................................ gazillion dollars expedited guaranteed  sought vs usa for 40 yrs of organized assisted ter acts to my life aided by usa and its system sought for for lovely care free life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I entirely skipped transit as the glue ter act gang fraud charity target extermination campaign gains popularity at expense of lives - nasty country and low people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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