Sunday, August 23, 2015

americas attack strategy

blu cr lbls fem mob trst wvg pst 12th up nels.11th blk 4dwt trzg bk nd bk agn mob crmnl strtgc trsts-entrenched protected undrcvr grp enjoying system ter community support. opn bk w trk 6th dn nels. eey 1.5 tn/bg 3rd grnd. 58612e1 4dgry mob trk smlng wvng ????3rd to grnd. silv suv wv to 3rd dir nels. mob scdrl ped 3rd to grnd hi swthrt. silv suv wv to 3rd dir grnd. med blu cr pst hd dn nels-meat loaf. grn station wgn pst hd up nels hnd wy up ? bpg. og headed ml on bk dir brdg. fem sml dgs apprx 1105 lkly mb hm - why a u yellg? mob trst bk in blk scr pst brgr dn mntg. the ml scdrl of presumed alleged dghter of sm unknwn kat Stevenson accdg to her shrt guy w/bald head. red suv mntg linc. sml w cr mntg linc. bth lkly doing smtg attn. getng I failed to wrt dn. blk frt red ter zmg cr pst high dir mitch. 2 dudes blk nd w shrts resp. pls 3 chicks. dude prb w shrt offrg joint to high st. mob trst  ??? hsg? hc bk trst bk.trst mob scdrl w/tiny blk dg prob just obtained pls fem lkly hkr nxt to lib whn trst attck me re per gng attack tactics re his presumed trk. when I tried to id whts on his hat  he thrtnd to hit me clng ths self defense. fem push him off mkg it clr shes nt his grlfrd so lkly antr crmnl lk hisselk. the dude my be stlkr/brglr bitch -paid hkr-she was nt trying to leave jst to manipulate. fem hd rdsh hue tnk. trst attmptd eng casual conv after bullying me as if bullying as a ter gm wch belongs ntg to it. mob ring - trk ovr thr stnk? to fem - w u gng?lng suv mb tn by $tree blk mb grouper hello.2 trks wamer flgs pst myers dir linc dk grn nd drk gry or blk hrd to tell at ngt as they spd qkr thn I cn lk.pers out of one of the trks mobster jmpg frm veh to veh  as mny of thm -hi. ter amer mob scm decept. services mrkng trgts stealing lvs. blu sltd veh nois pst pp dir orod. dk gry cr rdio. vic grn veh noise  pst arbys dir lw. bk by juv hl fem w/rdio inqrg re bus? psbly simlr radio snds. mob cr bck bpg pst tb. trsts are hdng protctg celebrtg ter acts. trst cr pst orod to mitch. num othr vehs ?bp wt trn ohw to orod. severely co gsg veh mob pst bk of w dir myers. sm drk sprty cr psbly rnd la comida. le nd othr orgs thnk alon w nd aid mob thnkng so that  when mob act occurs mob has thoroughly painted u as swtd nd crzy nd crmnl- expnded mob amer ter establishment aiding major mob acts. Bueno mob red trk myers to mntg pause conv at crnr. cls ti 10:24p. blk trk 1.5 trn mntg -hello. gry suv incomp vcovr mntg to myers. psb I did it med w cr mntg dir myers. bk shrtls blk cp brdg to twn. gry cr lkly mob/probation linked at gas chevrn hrd to see bt here its easy to gt distrctd but thy are all pred. mob.

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