Sunday, August 30, 2015

mob thrt brd dir dwnr mb lnked -gngbngr-suspct his w suv crs frm silv scr -fdg antg gd? mbstrs on cty drv.

blk car bpg 7th blk up nels. psbly sm as blk mns who hd lng exp fd. blkout antr veh btch?-grn suv lkly saying smtg abt me 4th to grnd.2 bks 1 in blk shrt othr shrtls youths -I ws frcd to stp off rd-mb grtg lkly. slgtly rnded at top rd cr scr dn grd brdg.???noisy blk trk up nels hyd blk shrt. hyd blk shrt stake out mob public wrks retard wt hpn tdy? rpt. wlk awa dir nels. 2 fems crt hs stp acrs bh-mob tm. blk fem w/cell nd w mob fem rchg into trs offrg btm of chps  nd her alm empty btl. yhs ws fem mbstr plntg into trs flwg me rnd nd lkly brkn in. frd chrty crm mob team dictatorship demolition persecution frm directly yr pkt. duo brded bus 20 aftr 4p. *****4dwt trk sm as near shell nd gngwy bpg. sm bk mno to cty.yelling lkly.257 tbl does sm automotive wrk nt impossible they cld also do smtg to mwr. purp hr fem w/ml babies -hyd? -cmng frm brglrs mbstrs. **4dwt smlr listed abv to nels blw tbl thn trn rgt dir grd. dngrs ml suspct thrts brd dir dwnr. hrd frm myers vic of ear piercing gang bngr but I could nt see ths prsn saying ths. thrtg scdrl thkd him fr nt clg police. 2rkw027 blk stn wgn offrg unw hmbrgr. fncy w suv acrs silv scrm mobstr scm ml his smngly going to silv scrn -fdg antg gd? susp 1.5  trn orod myers lkly aidg cnsp. rd cr dn pst myers ohw bp. lgt med tn cr pst b of w dir myers-animl vcs imitn. noisy trk res w dodge nt arst pst ohw nd wlgrns. 5tpv153. rd cr oorg drnk. twr trs all empty nt be surprsd if fr mob. hrsg grtr insists he shld be abl to hnd trz mob bk scm -s u all tm. mb appr pst pp.  ?spdg olvr to tbl. noisy w trk t. myers. mob bk -hello-???out of brdg d. grd. scr silv cr pst 2nd dn. duo trsts peds lkly respdg althgh unkn trgt or purps. I cld be lkly most cmn trgt.befr hd entry at nels scdrl ped hrsd me w/lgt to blnd. to ths dy I knw nt wt crmnl lks lk.thn sd gngbngr sm as myers nd mntg etc. linked to mob crmnl cmnty lw enf aided dictatorship burglarizing trgtg attacking elimintn ring. ths ws him hdg pst hd dn nels. 3rd st prk/rd blk cr dn gnd nd w mvn 3rd to nels. noisi blk cr 3rd to nels. v. frm frwy undr nels brdg dn nels. suspct silvr cr crsg 8th blk rnch sevrl times hd multi dt bk lights shk whn slw but silent when mvg fst.

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