Monday, August 31, 2015

ngt cmng hm our mlbx ws opn by mob. team hounding manipulation mob lkg fr drgs and assisting crm while psng as charitable aided by l. e.

endless rpt blkouts all dy long the sort o virt nvr hd in los angeles on clr sd of twn nd I lkly hv permt hlth dmg frm heat nd amer trzg. not even the entire time I lived outside -in fct I wld sy I hd less tendency to blkout durg tht tm at all.blu cr lbls pst my drvwy lkly up nels. bg tn veh up nels psgr sdhd out mb to instgt. 1215-hyd mrtha? passng me fr retrd to help crime agst me. as mex acrs strt lkly let brglrs in w/blsngs because scum lks mr credible nd are mr crmnl lk thy are. ?????bp  off w Chrysler bp blk frt mobster to 959-65. vic 4dwt rpt zm 3rd to grnd. fr hd. rd 1.5 dir nels frm sm. bg trk w shell tbl trn nels pst alliance dir nels- hi sweetie -the swtie sm crmnls ar hdg nd brglrzd. lw rdrfem bk to brdg. lw rdr othr in w. bk in blk tp w/dsgn brdg to twn. fem pls ml pst ??????hi,sweetie! rd mvn mob hi! lkly sm rd mvn as picked up smn in brgr lot just befr grn suv askg fr drgs they all knw I hv ntg to wth. flwd by mob silv 1.5 trk rotating drvrs psgrs-gt out of my wy.ofcrs-scm is doing mob job aided by amer lw enf. rd mvn ws in brgr lot. w cr ? dir pst high dir montg. apts by high strt bum stg thr askd me fr smtg -blkouts. bk blk mn rd clthg blk ht up myers trn bldw. blk cr pkg bldg. nxt to b/a at orod. disc hrd also sw acrs $tree center by mobsters calling the shots. $tree wrkr going in frm brk lkly joined mob to bcm amng suspcts. scdrl mth off the one who's frds w/fem luntc freqtly hngng gazebo askg cigs etc."maam" rpt bum by $tree. blk fem wtg on smn in $tree. rpt noisy blk cr drvn by blk mn to lg by arco.bum by lq askg to buy $2 wrth of wd-smn must be mlcsly prolifrtg lying info.drk suv ohw pst lw -hi! in lw mb out of twr mb grn to s ohw-hey.brgr employeeat go thrgh hd smtg to say lkly to hlp mob. twr wrkr assist mob trzg -hyd?-sm wrkr mobster fk sorry whn I tld him re twr aided burglary. drk blu lng hair lkly mbstr pst prk dir mitch. out of kitrick  dir mitch sm mob ntd 4dwt ****23260c1 -bitch. appr bg tn mb cr med sz scr pst hc dir mitch.????10:35p. ****mob 1.5 silvr connectd to dodge trk -fu bitch into brdg to twn. bk in nvy to brdg. tiny cr bpg tbl up grd. trst mob cr apprchd me ****just as I ws plng to crs tbl nels crnr away frm mob bldg. crmnl in cr said -heey- nd whend I called them mob- mobster retorted to frm me instd lkly w/sm trk buddy to the sd she lied to mk it my fault -fuck off!i'm going to gt u bitch my be connected to burglary buddies tkg craftsman riding lawn mower mtl cart frm shed nd mirror lying under desk in trailer which was wall hanging mirror. m pls fem crsg nels at tbl crner dir grnd -bitch said by doper voice. trk out of fogg dn nels. cmrcl type trk gs nels pst fd dir tbl. veh? trn rnd at 2nd mb drk cr?*****lkly sm blk fem 3rd to dn nels -prb ? diift cr hrd to see in ngt lkly accsg me of smtg nvr tk plc I cld nt mk it out but that's apparently wht crmnls do. aided by amer l e-who believe in their cmnty chrty frd nd dislk trgts. silv suv pst nels dmpstrs up nels.bef. suv slw near lwr dmpst. bef. w cmrcl tp trk lkly stpacrs upr dmpstr. to adj cntnts.trk dn? 6th blk trk trn 6th awy frm schl. drk suv gs sevrl tms 11th blk dn. *****whn I cm hm a tight well fitting mailbox closure was hanging dn. whl livg here our gts wr knck dn, sm mlbx, bk shed tor to shreds,pnls mvd, etc. psbl dmg to outs insd trlr purp inflctd. buregl 6/6/2013. burgl on or arnd aug 12,2015, mlcs non stp hndg elimination scms,etc.

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