Saturday, March 7, 2015

america- not genuine not charitable not nice or kind- this is deception fraud - america is contract glue terrorist

        to enhance understanding of America - the folks out and about handing stuff out playing your friend playing innocent and playing charitable are a team terrorist looking to frame to belittle and to demolish and to keep pushed out and helpless. when these folks ask if you are ok - they are not looking to help you as they are willing to deceive - they are checking on their poison and how it is working and they are gluing onto your life for dictatorship persecution control. while helpfulness is their front - control demolition is their motive - welcome to America. yelling white car past 895 nelson direction of table mountain . huge chef knife planted in plain sight accessible to children or criminals on fri morning by garbage gate flap at nelson apts- incidentally fri and sat are their big nights -they do not go to school or work the next day. inside was a couple cans and extra large unopened beer. these conspiracy trash are willing to hand you beer if you tell them you do not drink soda - but they are not willing to unglue nor to pay for what America's programmed terrorism is worth because they want to keep it instigated organized and happening while stealing charity and gvt moneys - there is only one problem with this and why this is not named properly by America as instigation crime or ultra grand theft- this is exactly what America wants them to do. the knife was probably of lesser than best variety or maybe they got one more new and better yet. dude in black shirt w/orange trim between mono and nelson. blue law enf type veh turn table from nelson. white mini hauler beeped table to nelson from opposite side of nelson coming from dir. of valeros. beige van with small blue sign going in direction of bridge/river child in van yelling hey hey you homeless bum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in red dude w long gray hair valeros corner smarted off then joined others crossing. at recycler there was dude maliciously smoking and the other from incognito contract glue ter team spending extra time there repackaging consolidating  garbage w/o getting paid for it then throwing me 2 bottles. this hoodlum accompanied a.y. ok ter team and tried to make me the bad party for no reason saying he thought I was going to hit him. he also threw a single can at me once at recycler and once by corner of myers/Montgomery. I will expl. to guy at recycler what he is doing because to look innocent this contract glue ter did not say word for this time. their intentions are anything but help - rather they are dictatorship/demolition category. suspect truck bi color aqua and white yelled oh no in Mitchell I believe. I believe 6knw750 - hi! by $tree. for strange reason what I have as 6 looked like 0 in my writing. 57565g1 red truck passing in orodam past myers by check cashing asked for cigarette. black guy to orodam on olive hwy and back w/white guy saying nothing to pretend innocence. screaming truck light in color up olive hwy direct of tower likely conspiring. white car screaming turn orodam to olive hwy dir ot tower. homeless up Mitchell toward lib. by transit- board riding noises and other voices - possibly dang. area after dark. party in gray with hat backwards walk myers dir. of Mitchell. from lousy truck on Montgomery direction of lincoln - another way station bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - voice sounded a lot like male's voice except it sounded more female -last heard in dark suv nearing 6th and nelson where female offered ride - home and male mumbled something and punctuated it with bitch. dude in blck jckt/hat Montgomery to table. bike in drk clthng and backpack crossed over to opposite side of Montgomery just before vet bldg. direction table. from bridge 2 bikes 1 going into burger lot and the other around it. bike in black then bike in gray walked out via river walk. 4 door w. truck w perm. solid white suv type hard shell was at valeros with mult glue females. in light I absolutely could not see plate being right next to it - they are also definite glue team suspects.dude in bl/w checkered heaby shirt jacket wanted to talk saying a greeting followed by do you know...? children screaming nelson school field likely to hound!

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