Sunday, March 1, 2015

nasty evil non stop conspired terrorist glue community aided by police and social workers with ter scams

blue truck parked at home next to 1105. 1105 lawn being mowed. 6acp718 gray Mercedes insult amt money out of hd lot part of ter persecution team. hounding sheriff suv beep on county. and then again on table by dilinger's house. gray law enf vehicle followed behind. scoundrel on bike same as one who bothered me denny's lot 2 days ago w/glue ter gang companion - "there I am" dude on bike said-from valeros to grand organizing ter acts. on Montgomery betw myers and table anoth glue ter slime male yelled - hey then went behind beauty parlor between myers and table mtn. turquoise truck with some sort of accent through its middle height made weird scream. gray car with youth yelling out - fuck you bitch. the vehicles were on Montgomery passing clock vicinity 330-335p. white car turn robinson to myers towards Mitchell with female passenger inside smiling wide. library toilet repeatedly viciously sprayed again likely by gang members. myers/robinson trash decked out with cans on top by no digging persecution gang team -"fraud" charitable -who steal  everything and have nothing and ter acts in return for major life demolition and fraud aiding to dictatorship conspiracy by local superior top ter dogs. light blue truck screamed past library Mitchell towards myers. by bank silver 4 door truck loaded w/stuff snuck out rather freaking fast. behind it was possibly gray truck and another car. group of older children with bigger female whispering to them assisting conspiracy turned corner by dollar tree within dollar tree center. from behind me on bridge- passing me by- how you doing duo - ter glue conspiracy. black guy in green jacket walk past valeros bus stop. duo with playing stereo past alliance to nelson. 3 people red jacket green jacket and 1 other jacket nelson past fogg walking in direction of table mountain smoking pot. terrorist on bike passing by fire dept repeating - funk stick funk stick. another terrorist on bike cross street likely black also scaring me and calling me a ho in his rap talk. likely another gang conspirator female on bike from home depot lot alleging -everything is fine and she is afraid herself. yet another gang terrorist walk up to chevron pointing to my bags - is this yours?- cause it looks like mine - a likely story. scoundrel then said - what you up to? I said 911 - and gang criminal said - oh no, not 911 and left seemingly. police supported -social workers assisted- bus company's favored passengers who inspire at the very least the organized crime acts and favor system crime- the country who left me with no means to live and every means for non stop ter malicious fraud charitable persecution walking unabated from corner nelson apt bldg. next to church among many others as America stands by the terrorists abusing me and aids their crimes a sit schemes against me - nasty country and low people. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999 gazillion dollars sought vs ter states of amer for its 40 yrs long demolition of my life doing everything possible and available to waste me to core from uprooting family, to child theft, to agency terrorizing, to criminals, to big time conspiracy ter gangs aided by gvt, to gvt aiding terrorists who've done endless crime to my life - nasty country and low people. the money is sought for a carefree and lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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