Tuesday, July 21, 2015

engaged ultra grand thieves/murderers- giggles from murderers- litter mixture -co bk of vehs purp in face- shtg firewrks

bk up nels trn 12th inspctns trzg. bldg. dwn of 1105 yelg at poor dog. mb trk bk opn co 8th blk. sm trk dn pst nels dmpstrs.??grp guy nels apts. ??? suv psgr ??? up grnd pst 4th. tn gng suv - child psgr -hi. bk to trsts msg - cnt gt awy frm us- no intention to leave u aln only to wst u nd ur lf. abndnd cr still empty lot few houses up of nels apts 6kdp650. all trsts r terrorists mny tms ovr rung cmnty tr act cnsprcy nd giggling w/help of amer ter law enf. jim walsh trst -hi!. trst addict fem w/dog hc trst -go away lk I am lkg to meet her- butte co ter gngster going arnd hlpg gng mk prblms sndg reasonable while being orchestrated obvious mlcs conspired ter gng. bitch fr mb. ???????? 7ezf129 silv cr was public wrks area unparked thn drv out. fem trst cty drv -tm? mlcs terst eng. pers instigtr. sheriff cr psgr sd trst tmbs up fr tr acts. silv cr???? ter scion up grnd. psbly difft scion w/ blk wht frt to brdg. in blu bngr bitch sht up rw grnd. w cr to brdg scrmng. 2 fgts - org aftr u frm effem trns. silv cr bpg ard brgr crnr. crmnls bk portion of apt bldg. scrmg. ???6str590 mb suspct vehs lot adj brgr. blue/grn suv tbl mntg cirlcle -shut up. mntg blk cr w/spoiler-fnk stk  need nt do much as they gt gng wrkg. sktbrd r-b-r who once called me crkhd myers dir mitch. bpg red cr sprty via ?? mitch pst myers. raleys crt gatherer lkg to hlp mk prblms. spdg grn cr orod to myers. bk in blu to sd of la cmda dir mitch. bk orod to myers. w vn nvy sign sm knd of plumbing. f u bitch dir twr. 4d bg vic. pst ohwy dir ordm. drk grn cr to bk of tb lot. heey nvy shirt frm fd vn w/mny inslts apprntly wnt to a silv tint cr orod dir myers pst b of w ?jlu trsts child ???? team. fem -w. dt u wnt mny?- their mny is mlcs calc inslts -real mny is stolen. rem rem. lkly less thn 1 perc goes to cause -pers deception joke. m lkg out of a veh while fem ws bullying me w/intent to frm -all ter activities are well funded nd reimbursed nd assisted. 940 civic clk. by civic 2 trzg bks scrmg purprsly cmng real cls against me dir tbl brdg lkly/ ??psbl gng sound nr mntg /olivr resid area. mumbling ridiculing as if giggling co bngers pst bw dir myers. trsts prtcting mjr ter acts. rd lgt bk acr vet pls trk.??? fem jkt pst vet - intcm. trk pst me on gs as it specifically gt to wh I am at blwng co to my fc - the true ter americn nstness cltr. ???bpg w cr nels to tbl flwd by a drk cr. trst bk nels dir fogg - wnt ice crm?-nt opn. drk suv pst nels dmpstrs - f u bitch f u. flwd by w vn. ??bk - I'm gng to fkn eat u bitch fu bitch dn nels. trn 4th dir plms. m pls fem frm lwr sd nels apts cm out w/litter mixture insd bkt nd pour it into dmpstrs. mxtr cn be dangerous cn attch to clothing or glue all ovr shoes mkg evrthg stnk. noisy cr up nels pst dmpstrs cmng bk shtg multi noise fire crkrs at my bgs smngly. noisy grn cr pst dmpster up nels the on who lks to zm eng. noisy cr pst 7th blk cmng bk abt 705 shtg singl sound fire crkrs- I ws too fr to reach as I stpd away. ths mrning I found shogun wrapper prt which mks me think they usd shogun. also whr crmnls prd littr mixt mngr put sm hay to neutralize the incident. raleys rec. ws clsd early unknown reason.

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