Saturday, July 25, 2015

mob w/trst cn, mob on bks, mob in nelsn apts, terst country nd hoodlum people

sm 1.5 trk frm behd me shrtly aftr wlkg out mb 12-3th blk. went dn nels frm behd. bk in rd 10th blk dn. drk blu suv bpg pst 895???? dir dn. suv??? w cr bpg dn pst nels dmpstrs. tng twstg red cr sounds to hrs ridicule wst terze grnd dir up of 4th. hyd drlg -gry trst? chevr. 4j55319 prob offrd smtg tot. wrtls chevr. jim grn shrt frm chevr dir nels.. bgrs pst mno dir nels mumblg re dp trio incl fem w/cell. pair w/baby behd thm. alliance - w/o nts so sml psblty of wrg not. 3tix718 4trg679 -hi! trsts. bgr rd cbn cr to brdg. duo dir rw-hyd rw  ???? stupd mf! 1.5 w trk bpg myers dir rob pst ???? w frnt hauler style  pickup pst shell gsg. drk gry cbn cr scrmg pst ohw dir cvs. gsg w trk pst tb dir twr. sitg by lib fem w/kds instrctg thm to put cns into trs -lkly sm dict manipulation perh gt thm to thk thy are btr thn ths being wstd. glue con by lib w/chld nd mini dog. rd 1.5 trk bp pst arbys dir twr. 6rss258 gry mvn myers/mntg. 837p the abv dumpd slice of cake put on grnd aftr refsd -ter pers team gng aids -mob. susp trio pst civic aftr crsg myers. rpt bln noise bk ??rw ?brdg. a yelg drk cr pst grnd to brdg. susp bk thk u  rw dir nels.. oldr rd mob trk alliance pushing cn decking it on grnd as cake. old svd gls ter btls pltd in alliance trs by smn who affrds synergy/kevita. abv trk plt cld nt see frm badly lit sd ngl. noisy cr trn nels frm tbl.trst in blk tp bk  scrmg pst odd sd  apts nels prior to fogg dir tbl. ANTR BK SM DIR.rpt intcm $gen. mlcs bpg hauler 3rd dir up nels. 2 bks apprtly hvg sm disc on evn sd prior to nels apts then both went to my dir scrmg nd cmng dng close -a gng resps frm mult mls cm frm upper sd  nels apts by dmpstrs abv 4th. prt of the mob is insd nels apts it seems. some pot smell sm loc. lkly cnctd to drnkg drug mob. spdg cr 10th blk dwn. bk w loose dog frm behd vic. brk upr 8th blk to 9th lkly 959-65. vic spdg suspct cr 12-13th blk psbl spd/swrvg dngrs as well as likely reglr cr sm tim whenvr I pass area.

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