Saturday, July 18, 2015

operated by butte mob - mob usa

dk gry cr scrmg up plumas cmng bk sm trzng. mb suv w plng lg attchmt w clr lg items bird pst 4th nels ?up nels.7dra299 trst blk cr - hgry I gt toast. scr 1.5 rd trk pst 4th up nels. sm bg toy. trk ? bp dir nels. vlrs emptd gbg nd to cvr fr aiding gng left sm btls in str frt gbg unsealed open. possibly thy did nt wnt ones w/o lids in their bk trs. the hv bn aiding alng w/7-11 cmnty mob trgtg ths prty digging in gbg cn to clnse trst dictatrshp pers cmnty. trsts who arrgd trst actn went to str wrkr cm out nd announcd -u nd to lv propty - which in rlty aids gng team. assist trsts wrkr co trst bgr cm out  anncd - u nd to lv- butte mob accmdtn serv. w trk nvy sgn. nr brgr fem stg dn w/dog-silly nutty mlcs questn cnt rd - mlcs parsec. w trk nvy sgn ?? 4dr ? duo scdrl one crs ovr to trz me -hi thn bth rn. myers dir linc. 1.5 ter w trk bpg pst ???recycler - hylton privt sec trng in btls psbly stln frm victims lk myslf w dvsd liability scm -true rsn bus company gng team consp. mgr frm prds teachg phillippino to hound me fr bngrs nd co bngrs such as raleys nd bus company. trst mgr pret hrt he dt desrv children - but it is my opinion ths who recklessly hound othrs lives doubtfully deserve their own. blu veh to orod linc -hey -gng trst. ***************cigarettes strategically hid on big lots trs cn to poison me nd causing me inability breathe  fr lng tm aftr plcd to frc breathe in regrdls which wy u trn away. alternt othr w dodge to pkg lot by big lts12276L1. whl chr w/ox supply to inslt me fr trsts. bk by vlrs bus stp whs vc resemb the bitch's who claimed hr bf wlk me hm pushng wrtls 10$ inslt -mast be theyre cnfsd nd do not knw wht they've stln mrdrd nd hrrors they continuously inflct. w cr pst thrift -??turd peon. rd cb ter cr twr 3u08075 trst attmptd $2 inslt. tb-8184z prpsg to buy jnk fd frm trst tb org on behlf of ter mob. bg vn. silv. cr -hey psbly vc frm nels apts dir twr. silv cr scr thrwg gbg. pst rabobk. dir mitch. dir lib. silv  cr pst crvs dir mitch sm pst wlms tv thr gbg -?yes it is. sm trs cr pst 1999 myers dir mntg. btls deckd by toilt trst no gbg cn dictrship team.vic trk pst civic dir linc.810p. scr blu cr pst civic dir linc. bpg blk cr myers to linc. scdrl trst in ht. scdrl trst in ht brdg to mntg. fem ter scdrl sd brdgpointg cmrs at me for ter team. ???scr w cr. brkg ter bk. lw enf aiding mob pst 3rd hlpg ter team dn nels. w shrt bpk bk dn nels. bk pst dmpstrs mkng me-any cns- wna sk my dk? antr scdrl w lgt by 959-65 trzg pers. lkly trst vehs.$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999999999................................. gazillion dollars vs ter usa for 40 yrs of ter acts expedited guar. uncond. to be hd for my lvly lf in rf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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