Thursday, June 30, 2016
wed--fraud helpful Americas very purpose is t wst u nd hlp selves thus evr tm I see thm offr me antg I rem precisely this serves their own mlcs devious prpses nd its prps is t wst me nd t mk it jst t wst me so I do my bst t pass these arnd bcs I knw these r vr hghly devious in ntr nd their intentions r antg bt hlp bt rtr wst me bst as cn ----evn num ??? im rptdl blkg out unbl t fnctn nd kp gtg less n less cns nd als rfs t receive insl equivlnt n ruthless wld b hlp wc hs n intent wtvr t hlp. ???hlwy lkl sng js bf u d e pds wsp cnsp trs acts d e ?? ????unt alw t ?brt vcn unrdb mb is alw t apc mob grd bks ps ljlla d e -intcm t hlp ws tgt the vr prps of grd plcmnt nt crm but hls wstg nd incrimination the srt lndrt mob amer lks. Michael the drg pdlg fg is frdl nice tlkg guy bt dt tell him nt d antg illegl-I dt thk its psb t chg sc people-amer wsts nd does illegal rgt nd lft nd hr u shl b scrd tb in vcn in cs idiot gts cgt w/any illeglt-smn tried extrt algd prmsd mny fr clthg the pdlr prmsd t py fr as he thgt it mgt fit nw it nvr fit he gv it away nd the brterer ws psg t get his mny rptdl....the pdlr ws nc bt insisted he hd t brw it- I lft -its bd eng stg nx t smn dng smtg ilgl nd nw thy gt in sm argmnt--but evr one here must knw this dude knws lts of people seems generally nice nt wntg t prp hrt u bt ds this illegl stf prsmbl--wrg line of wrk-I dt knw his prblm bt d ntg of the srt- rtr I gt trtrd t dt fr ntg nd skip all frd gdrs bcs I hpn t knw hw nc thy r--thy r as nice as mob trs states is --trs cntry nd ruthless murderers fr people.dg qn psng 76 ofg sm absl insl mny-ntg wrtwhle is cmng evn if u drp dead on the spt-this is wt they believe u dsrv aftr thy kld yr lf 40 yrs nd ctg. prsns on bncs crs hts pk bth sds-thy ms b flg gd ths wr unusd at ngt bcs in ths twn thy r cnst wtcg flwg cnsprg nd the prps of their ambassador grds is t chs trgts mob wnts t eliminate. mb711w ngr ofg wr-he msb vr stsf im hrdl mvg cnt gt nwr.mob m wtcg acrs frm mobil hugos sd??? mob phlwy w ???? antr yt ml rp lkg bk bw hlwy n lcng sh gvg me drt lks by lcn cvs as I check the shoe tore up alrdy fr wt is piercing it.blk sv rng gs by trs cn nrst shk rest no plts but signs letters for model type--too blnd t see.2 gng trs wstmnt t tjs nt bthg mc t avd bng ntcd fr tmob affiltn.f ofg insl by rbrts stbks. guy weighing in recycle. then leaving wo pay picked up by wrkr instd who gv m wst wtr fr tip--all overheated imprp strd wtr tsts lk wst.mob cnsp shrf strg vcnt ba.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
tues---hvng hrd time mvng hv load dragging bdl bhd skpng fighting heat nd weight load issues while unable t rmtl ctc up wt recnt prev pace. ??lkl drg qn lying by mtr on grs w drnks--no one btrs--mntm mrn at crs hts I ws slp hrs by dg qn in wl chair-hwvr whlwd nd its crw dnt cr bcs thy wnt trgts wstd dictatored nd sent dn the rd in fvr of own kinds.evn I sat at la jolla pleasant t tlk t algd hlf ital./half jew--whn he gt drunken he waved at the cops in approval but also yld out he sells weed nd coke nd confided he has jewish boyfrd he sprts whos abt smage brkt as hisself-this time iy was obvious he was total fag with guys jumping fr his affections smngl latino--pleasant t tlk t but clearly int illegal world alleged Michael skivelli Genovese.????I hrd tht nd I drgged awy brl abl t mv at all.
shfs d w by stn . acr rm by ??fnc t mob ????? td ofr $fd t see t it u hv n mny---trs mob rng w phlwy---clrly??? lkg bk at me--lkl prvctn t hlp mob.js bf s ??sp ???sm d w---hls offg mtcs. sh
fs bsy aftr me as mob ted drg peddlers wlk free bcs ???amr sc...hv a lot in cmn. ???sc d w ??? ???mob crt wt crn---????gns myb ???-mpb-au ok?scr ngr w711 inr crn cnsp mob sh p crs hts e sh mob e ??? ??? unrdb.
shfs d w by stn . acr rm by ??fnc t mob ????? td ofr $fd t see t it u hv n mny---trs mob rng w phlwy---clrly??? lkg bk at me--lkl prvctn t hlp mob.js bf s ??sp ???sm d w---hls offg mtcs. sh
fs bsy aftr me as mob ted drg peddlers wlk free bcs ???amr sc...hv a lot in cmn. ???sc d w ??? ???mob crt wt crn---????gns myb ???-mpb-au ok?scr ngr w711 inr crn cnsp mob sh p crs hts e sh mob e ??? ??? unrdb.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
mon-sh prep t hng tgt fr mob svc/sm scr mob ngr mob bk dlcn aftr nt mndg own bsn--gt yr sht bh wtc t hlp frm tgt plcn e. lkl oth mob susps hdg in area.hrd f ngs ?tlk mlt p strg fm dir hugos lkl ????rest by cnsp pht lmnt mnc crs hts whlc drg qn trz erl mrn lkl mob tm. 2 mb mles d e-gd mrn??? ???ns bk atc prb lks sit in tlt thr mrngs gsg 7-730a car gsg ls 3---268 gsg blu hnd sh rglrl rpts-my frd bt flks lk this easily hv oth motivesm hrsg bks crsg nr e711 t str s of sm.whl stpg ard prsn hit my toe e711. nigil stg w ngr se sm/frf crn lkl cmn dctrs scdr stg crs hts lkg dbsn or mk trbsh vcn hugos lkl lkg t hlp blm tgt 2d oth sh pkngs e ????? f hlw d e sm strt/scr--myb brnwsd by hgs mb sh pwstb e. mob hlsml scr out of undr tjs --?wow. als I recall smtm bk in purp d e scr grbl gng type snds.
Monday, June 27, 2016
sat mrn grds pplm lbr hlpg crm of trs --klg ??? of people. in blk w of Dylan inspctg grd in unf bldg. chkg str nt bldg. gvg slf opty t kick smn abt--w's up?--yre goin in-hrsg me fr none wtv rsn whl I ws gtg cns frm pbl trs cn in strt-mob scdrl cnsp crw-thy dt thk I kn thy ex.mob trs crw bldg nt yt blt all th wy trz wo cause t dvs mnc lkl sptd by lcl le mob I hit myslf on hd snd mrn cws lkl due t wearout hv bgs heat nd mlcs cnsp cmnt intmdtn trs tctcs. 7jtb719 3 blks or dk skn cmb fs ins bntn nth of mrtn blk f anc shes-a thief els ????? ?dk skn f stp out n wnt t hs evn sd of bntn I blv the one wc is fncd with bushes decorating the fnc area n if nt t th hm js t nrt of tht one.wc wl b efctvl 2d or 3d n of mrtn. gy in sv nof blvue d mrtn ???wvg. bk frf ky spry f rotng n t e sd at ne crn..bkng out nw thgh clr in lib thn in strt I prb nd btr slp nd splmnts ??? ??bng on hd rgt bk cws-nst 7hma464 blk rd ln ??????? ????? 4n dhn ax-ok? mob cns p. w?? 7dwc699 th mob trs c w of ?wb bkg out bdl ???d??g of cmsn smn ?? it f/m ns wtc --ha....brkn gls ???I rptdl bkg out wrtls amts ins gt aw fr hm-bkst lajl crn I ws by trs cn as drg qn atp out trd gv m mny inst gv it t pnh scm prfsn as I dt trst n one in cmnt ny lngr all u nd t see is wt the grds nd shrfs r utilized fr here nd the fct thr is a cnsp or svrl all wrtls lying nd cvrg up wo py or totl insignf thy stl frm m evrt u cld stl in lf-- lftm of blngng hm chld incm ptntl creer nd this amr wnts t dfrd buy fr ntg nd wo full py pls pntv cmpnstn -thts allu nd t knw-all mny cmng in wll go drctl t brcrtc pkts nd nonprft pkts-thts hw much amer believes trgts r wrt -ntg --nd the trsts giggle abt ths as thy trtr u t dth-ha...nd cnsr vs u nd agns u--ths why thy cn kp their wrtls scm fr selvs or their scum trs crnies who r all trl wrt each othr-the rlt strks bk- I hv n dsct pass as I trt myslf fr ntg nd weathr mltp ills frm trs mob America actvt --mob amer thgh wshes pass slf as rgts and chrtbl -the ls thg it is as ptd out by one eldrl ddrk frm ny-who called justice -just-us.xctl on tgt--fr thm nd nt fr u--nd thts exctl wt ure nt spsd t see-fr scmbgs who resemble mira nd scm fr trtrd nd frmd trgts lk me--trs cntry nd mrderers fr its so called ""people."unftntly I knw the price tag on lifetime of their fine deeds nd dnt fgt the pntv --thy cn rll dn the rd -the reckls ignrt mlcs -amrcn trs.odd sd sm blvd at la jolla guy stp out of stor t try the nx cnsp vs me nd encrg his bdy t d sm --hyd? wgn? ???? au hgr,thrs,rsn. mob cr acrs at hyvnhrs-wk pplmr ?e bkt.hlp mob pls ambsdr trsts. e711-cll rec re ?pnh as I wlkd up nd wrkr stp out-thr ws guy trg t gt chg fr ??videos he retrieved ---I usl sw pnh w711 nd js prn(s) ???hngng out e afternoon.mob sh p kings e lkg t hlp cnsprc trs I nvr knw exstd at hugos. some people gt out of cr by hugos dt kn who or wr thy wnt. guy by mbl shkg hds prtd gv me $20-i hv bn rfsg evr as prps of mob is t hv crm rd free nd scm lk ldrt unacctbl wt hlp of drt lk ambsdrs etc.. nd shfs etc...--smt presentation dfrdr nonprft oprtn ds exct wt amer trsts wnt it t do-nd this gts reimbrsd lng wys.sml f crsg fr mobil dhugos whom I wld nvr hv ntcd giggled as she sw me tll old mn-hv nc dy-amer crms indeed r highly amsg phenmn js I hpn t blv the dsrvg americans dsrv ths wy mr thn I do spcfclly fr their gull in wstg me trtrg me t dth-thy dsrv absl ntg thy hv nd shl nt hv any wtvr ablt t enjy it instd thy shl b permntl trtrd t dth lk me and I shl clct all losses pls pntv dmgs instd-prcsl why nt accept any of their inslts because exctl I knw vlu of amer crm nd amer defrdr trs cnsprcy. hey-vh hlwy.plcn w numrs rec hv bn psg me by.ngs frf who dslk me. drg qn bld wg ???sm loc. mob sh svc n. lkw rfsd t wt n ngtc oldr fem emptying rec at rec-their inslts will gt me nowhr- I knw wt thy cst me nd knw hw mch re prcs hv gn up in sth ca snc cnd sle wch cst me ovr 5 yrs in strt n cntg aftr prcs dn pls swndl. nt fr frm svc I blv ng fem plyd smtg frd frdl im blkg out as t wt bt she mgt hv hd fd. I psd up all frd gdrs as I knw hw mch thy cr--jfs wld nt hlp bet tzedek wld nt hlp pth wld nt hlp publ counsel wld nt hlp legal aid wld nt hlp etc.......regardless who theyr here t pkt mny nd hlp twst vctms nd trgts--trst cntry nd mrdrs people---absltl grtd.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
ambassador guards whlwd determined t hlp mob community destroy trgt- frd frdl frd of local mob pushing establishment nd use of police force agst specialty trgts cmnty desires t put out-billed as hospitality n sfty lkly this is abs none of the abv nd instd a spclty frc t aid mob grps bully nd destry trgts plying frd frdly observational demolition or waste minded these r lg num of mlcs hostile witnesses constantly wrking documenting nd planning ndless ways t support accommodate mob at expense of trgt-the ls thng thy r is out t hlp u-their prps in whlwd is t aid mob conspired grps nd thinking this is why the org has expanded wthn ls svrl yrs is t expnd demolition of cmnty gang mob cnsprcy trgt types. no mtr how wude thy smile thy grp up wt gngs drg qns etc t bully people who hv dn ntg t no one simply t hlp enbl ths types t destry trgts nd t enspire rest of cmnty t smlrly militarize vs trgts-the more inspired mlcs thnking -the more bdly this trs org is needed. 7360 sm blv sms law grp 310-401-1662 ***fri--sh ard e sh stn lkg t frm m fr mob wt lng lst of conspired wstg devices -such as sleep police fr trdness weakness blkouts specifically trgtd vs trgts designated by local drg trs highly enbled by scm frdl cmnty -I blv amng scdrls vcnt of crs hts may b mob once I hrd frm vcn of flwr shp nd oth time alg crs hts-it was clear trgt ws spcfc me though mny tms ive sn mny people slp thr nd bfr ths grds cm int exstnc I dt recall sheriffs evr btrg me re tkg rest thr-but now with gds being paid-they r paid t enable lcl mob grps t hlp demolish trgts nd nt at all t hlp anyone who nds hlp-thy dsgnt smn as trgt nd tk up obsrvtns opinions nd beliefs specifically suited t prtct their trsts of choice-the trgts thy will actvl trz dfrd nd frm fr sheriffs -that's the trs wst hlwd hospitality.the new amer-plygrd for mob.cnsp gng trgtg vs designtd trgts frd frdl mob nd gang specialty aiding secrty cnsp crm vs trgts forces.scdrl sm blvd plcng d westburn-mkg mnfctrd advsry cmnts vs dep/bip lkl w intent of abusing trgts inspiring mob crimes insults d w.2 ds earl-shl tl wt t d???? mob lkl mob sh e pkngs----blkg out agn hvg fld t ctc evn mntst lgts accidental slp whn alr drk nd svrl nonfnctnl shwd up 2 slp plc on their 2 mob bks nt tch the othr prsn at oth bnc cm up t me lkl guy fr sm rsn spkg reblc spk engls nd dfrdg the tru mob cmnspcy of this trs org spkg frd frdl nd cmpltly untrue t this orgs mlcs prposes sd-u cn g sleep on bs bnc all ngt.??? ???ws cmpl wiped out ls ngt nd fld t ctc any wtv slp-smn mng t lv scm fd n bnc wich I put on top of gbg for their preferred clientele -for criminals they wnt t kp in the community. I hpn t knw the prps of dfrd is t ensure tht endls huge major crimes r nvr paid for nd trgt is rlrded-I feel vry certn cmntys lk this encrg nd cnspr actvly vs undesirables nd then boom them on head wrs than islmc trs -wr thy cn cmpl wst u nd trtr u t dth---hospitality in fct le bng utilized t spt int fc of anyone nt cmnt type whm thy wnt t push under tbl---purp of the grds is ntsecrt wtvr but rtr vr specifically t demolish trgts as easily disposable commodity nd wt a lg gng like ambassador trs scum they will mr thn gldl pll this off fr py whn enspired by endless stlking nd or htng gng nd gng type scm prvlnt in trs mob pushing community lkg t st desires similar t ths hrbrd by other trsts such as ted landreth nd mira rakhman - nothing other then coordinated instigated assisted wasting for which thy nt evn need t pay fll police salaries but rtr mk ths cheaper via grd pay nd wst more prey -agn wt spclty nt crminls bt vry ltrly trgts nd prey persecuted grmd for demolition by mob cmnty nd grds. the cmnt plld out life frm the insides nd alng wt life stlall tht ws previously reliable nice or of value -such is conspired American mnc-nd nvr b fld by anyone frdl here-bcs extrml lkl the trsts are mkng plns wt smtg els in mnd.7jqh465-lkl mn insl. 5cig478 blkgrls btl by mtr.while these my lk t u as cmpsn --in rlt u r prey this cnsp inspired infiltrated mob--if thy r mr tms thn 1-thn ctc me if u cn-go ahd fnd out wc one is mr hrmls-lkl none at all thy prtct gngs nd or they prtect trs like mira or lndreth or thy r simpl htfl cnsprd mob inspired dirt given g ahead by the lg ambassador grd demolition team supported by whlwd nd trs usa
Friday, June 24, 2016
america employs fraud safety, sec, hosp firms t hlp mob wst its trgts nd has evr intention t suprt mob tactics
this fri mrn I was apprcd myb js pst lajolla wt malicious complnt utilizing the ambsaddors-they alleged iv been hanging by hugos and yelling at its customers-fact I nvr spnd any time by hugos-thr is stp light by its entry whr I must wait for light t cross and which cmng bk I skip entirely on hugos end for purposes of shortcut. I do not spend any time whatever hanging there however homeless mob friends might but the intended trgt is not them -the intended trgt is me nd the trs lkl mob aids and supporters given they r doing this wo cause r insinuating smtg which snds vr realistic nd hpl aided by frd hsptlt mob-allegedly unknwn prty insinuated hanging thr and ylg at customers. nvr in my lifetime do I hang there nor even remotely aware of anyone who is their customers I dt assoc w/thm . this occurs simult on dy whn sm ngs apcd me agn ms ntbl nigr in cws lkg fr cns who flt he hd rgt t tell me which sd t pk cns, dk skin prsn w of frf who wt dir 711 grtd prt of cnsp mob who suggested I shld walk on one side of street sec ambassadors just west of lajolla approx. who wr bng hsptb t mob team undsclsd alleged frm hugos telling me im yelling sptg nd nt t wlk pst hugos untl I assrd them this ws pblc sdwlk-when thy thrtn me wt sheriff upn nx call all this disclosing no info reprtcipants. lkl lndrt mob oprtv -svcnte d w --lkl suspcs prsn by mobil wt insl wrtls mny I rfsd lstng t mlcsly twst my wrds.their mvng vh was ambassador sec wh with 3 males ins nd did nt disply phone thy insisted ws upon the vh.saw a nigger wt crt brfly stp hugos entry t tlk t smn thr-smthg I nvr do-I nvr at all associate with these people who now we know cld be prtcptg in mob conspiracies elimination tactics aided by city of whlwd as displayed on vh.***thrs--ernie-rec--mob sec tctcs -too lng. ?????rp hrs --fr c????-- ????fr h ?wmt stbks -thgh im blkg out now re cntent.-I rem this was frd hls prsn psg mlcs insl mny-thts hw mc criminals blv u shl b hpy abt whn ignrtly thy hlpd cst u wy bgr mny nd prblms cntng cnvng invntd nd mlcs cnsprd trzg usa club hply aided with their crimes by such mob agents as ambassadors lkg t elmnt nd wst mob trgts fr mob whom it is their duty t accmdt at expns of tgts t b wstd.. smn aslp inr bnc crs hts prk no one btrg ltr I dscvrd prsn slpg on grd bh me sm loc no one bthrg at the mom myb drk?? but unk hrd t see gsg ngrs. cws mrn 5tvp207 gry cr ngr rp mumblg I cl nt undrs 2 mob grds??? ne labr. ?labr hls ??pg by 711 rtrt unvs??? bts d n unk vh frm w bpg p??? ? frmsa hrd fall thn fem cld saying tel phone fallen saw trs can fallen same loc nd small mess sm vcnt-I gss mob gds fld t ctc the villain nd nvr wr lkg-thy inst chs trgts fr dmltn by mob wh frd frdl inslt srvc who blvs thy cn by frdsp wt mlcs inslts as thy dictator yr life int cnsprd nth or jailcell trs lndreth style.shfs plm pk vcn lkl wt me on their trg lst -cws ng dctrg wc sd pk cns.flwd by dk sk mob w of frf trg t dict wc sd of strt I shl wlk.thi prs aftr mob engaging me crsd d 711. I ntcd ?flr e sd of plmr???cnfsd cnt dcpr. gbg bg msg frt trs plm prk I nt wlk frtr t trd fr t dy. ***plt fr ambsdrs 41790k1 had n phn brochure or bsn crd city of whlwd since 1984-hwvr nt prtc actv untl much mr rec-whn I lvd hr frmrl nvr sn ths gds 711 or crs hts prk.-3 mls in vh--aiding mob cnsp t cmt cnsprc crm vs ths trgt--why not??---in amer this pays.suggested I nt wlk ps hugos based on mlcs invntd allegation the mob tries t spt out of your talk wtht disclsg crmes by trst cnvrs nd liars whm thy hv crfl hid nd prtctd nd wo evn gvg out num excpt their cnctn t city of whlwd .ntcd yelling dk gn cr gsg psvc d lcn w red sgns in windws myb fr sale nd smn ylg myb hisp unk rsn I dt see ths notated. mob w amer flg ht sm/svc wlkg w aftr ylg thyr cmg aftr u -re---fire engine or etc?????phone ambassadors 888-456-2646 accdg t intrnt els call city of whlwd. bsd in ky--502-749-1551 fx -0522
Thursday, June 23, 2016
w-mb sh lk to ong ??mno t aid mob---ng w cn ?purg cr d e clinic--drc lnk of mob ap-tk sh sm mob le ???cvs ???shepmob lkg tws dict its tgt aids t gng -im hvg rp endls blkts by cmptr. ???wl sm dir m/f d w - moblv if it is ???oops unrdb. mob trs hlpg ??gfry unrdb non arstd 9th ??optn--sh nt ??? sue gngs hr.ins-1 mlc chs oth ??? ????mlc ins cnsp sh=crs hts hlp gng trs mk fry of me ths scm-their people mob ?gds pfrf w cnsp tws frg fr gn trs ???pltd fd cnf unrdb spt by shfs psb psn for mob gds in on cnsp mob prj --em gds cws shl b chkg rn wr --??unrdb ness gy cr bp p mrtl w mrn --gsg mob. nx thy will mksr im dead wo slp --mob bk w pdtrt e ????cws guy wsg in snk wr wtr rn all ng he washed fc nd hnds nd wtr was lft still rng --cr ws slv 7mrs707 .cn dlrs cr ws-- hrd lll nois unk src ???gns sml t gng cl in orv tm as bk crs on ?????s--n sm at gnsee. anm/brd rp giggling ???hlwy crn lntc psg nrb on gd mrn m/f mobs yth lcn e--hey-hyd???--ws gn gd ??I u mn ???hrs sm mn --24h ftn ftn sml ??? ???? dfrdrs inslts dictr prs ??? n mlc ??mnt of unpd dues ?orgn by mpb --- ??gng w f w ppvlsm e ???--wks ago unlded fd ws scrps I thrw out-scms insults cvr up t prvt antg wtsvr resemblg prp py. js mkg sr its all th--ng tk shr bw lcn/frf--mny prsns ofrg mny inslts wc wl nvr add up- ofcrs amr crms r no ones prb
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
spry n fem slt in co w 2 m ngs-1 m nigger hd me strbks crd nd rp...-no dgng in gbg cn-amr dictatorship exp gng srv -i thr bk t him crd utlzd t efct mob cnsp dictrsp
tues---shfs insp me mlr/svc prp tflt ths tgt trs ng f ???rlr ar fr sh??? at smn lg in stp by wh pk lds--?pl-cns? smn nr ??mlr ?f blk/yl/r/gn ht prk-hrd ldsp-sec-fld smn wv shfs vh f pls m/f chldr chl-ohh echd by fm who knw onl dsg nd cr fr no one ?m up hl- mb-hi shfs hlpg smn insp me at mbl im gsg bt lkl fndg ntg as I nvr did antg w m cns shl-hydt smn crs hts pk als cns psg fd psd num tms tdy wst fd usd t cvr mjr crm wo py 76 smd emptd erl 711 e/w n cns ths ngt bth hd cns mrn. ngt f who spryd me saw spld.saw w trk pfrms w -thk u -lkl thkng fr mjr brglr this crmnl nvr paid fr wch I may nt knw abt yet-b nt srprsd-this is mob amer crm in progr.smn empl ws wtc 711w wr thr ws guy on grd rp giggling in celevrtn of crm lkl while 711 employee ws lkl docmntg fr grds wt thyv bn askn my elimination nd frmng me fr crz for mob trs prjct who typically bsn likes t jn wt crm srvg le in mob trs usa. mrn bw og gv/flr ml ofg rp for mob mnt prtn of cfe cup.**** sm at frf spry fm frm sat w 2 ml ng frds 1 gv me stbks crd rptg endlsl dictrsp ----n dgng in gbg cn so I thr bk t him the crd ---gng psd as gd people rdclg me nd my bbaggage -in fct trs nt mndg own bsn wstg tgts cmtg crms nd dictatoring t tgts .guy svc crsg w crt nd clg me by nm I nv gv out nd whm nv seen till bk in la actd frm as mob by tjs etc nd seen at pride parade in beacon house shirt lkl crsg svcnt t d m mnc wt lkl prk nd ldrt etc all rnd mob cnsp doing sm as in orv eliminating by dictatorship-n dgng in gbg can nd cnt strng of crms cnsp nd cmtd lkl but intended t nv py fr -mob obj.ntcd rtcp whm I prv nt kn till cm bk nd nv gv my nm now acts as mob nd lkg t sv mob objctvs prv sn tj vcn etc nd prd parde ??bcn hs shirt clg me by my nm stln sm w nd lkg t efct mob obj svc wh pk vcn--wh pk n ldrt lkl prtcpts hdg bhd ths one nd bhd scm dictrs fd prsc wt intent t keep crm twd trgt free-psb gsg cl b smn in lib etc. cnsp . guy lvng on bk the crw ngt cmg bk in as I ws lvg-frst time bike smd pkg bt my eyesgt nonsfct wt. crm.vs tgt at no cst is deception mob pers objectvs wr endls crm my b occurring as I knw ntg--clrl mike fnds rdcls devices nt t respd-so thr cl be ndls crms up thr nd here nd we hv jnt ong mob prjcts hlpd by loc wh nd trs orv mob orgs. this is blg wc ls lts of it on brk ntw dy-I typed in the most bsc pts ntcd.j mkg sure ---thk u frm w pkp pfrm w frm gsg smlrt t orv -lkl brglr wh gt awy wt crm. gt out gbg cn rpt frm ind gvr stbks cd accmpnd by mob f who blw spry btl sat--711 w ng rp giggling as employee wtcd prb instrctd t frm nt t b prcl--myself--svc by wh pk mob hls wt crt clg me by my nm t hrs--nm lkl sngd smwr oth thn frm me unk src
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
gang tactics from plummer toilets to adj carwash
i hv numerous afflictions from having lived homeless over five years difficult life thereafter and counting. bsds trench ft ard toes area I have gtn fungus in toes in index finger which was infected with staff and fr which I took antibiotics has really scry lkg case of fungus I have fungus all about my lower legs that likely came about for lack of ventilation nd heat as I typically would wear long pants in street which caused overheating -a dangerous condition which causes the dirt t cling to legs rather tightly--bcs americans are obsessed with dirt I tried very hard to make this look cleaner by using water which is likely what brought about many infected sores ard my ankles about which I am scared as infections req antibiotics nd antibiotics hlp cause fungus.i am also tortured due to carrying bags which cntn stuff americans label as useful but in fact is a scam for mob nonprofits to make money without pay to trgets as they torture trgets with needless reckless burdensome weights supposedly useful but only if 99.99 per cent was stored insd of a home nd only after the home is very securely and freely had in the first place without endless gvrnmental inspired mob American encumberments encroachments.likwise yest I had rpt hrfc lft hnd pain frm crng bgs amrc lks t kill my lf with rem amer lks its crms free fr usa
*****mon----???svc ts emp mlt times --f drv insp cns I gt ts---sm bl st lv???mr bs c?? svc s mlr--ns rd prsche svc mlr d... slp and tjs dyt--ngds ????7ckg698 I alw hv prbl wt my wrtg this tm wt ltrs ???a tng fs ?????m r .wm wt opp sx chld m/f---the f chld snded lk gng rdcl ---ha......... rpgrd ??? hts aimg at ???ws tg for ?mob ??hny t hl imp mnc mlt lgts d s? ????ins--scr fk it--gbu. w cr ??? ??? e pfrf mob glu tm????strg act guy vcn 711--omn lgh m ???ng vc fl bnc d w. cws-vst--ng is th gstf??? gng mob ng ?witc--ng?g mrnw d dg q--hau babe lbr d w. ******smn mkg gng mob messes vrd locs -most rec ntcd bf this at plm tlt-I ws t lt t mk it this tlt nd gngs mvd t adj crws hrs crz bk f ?????elvs ??ma--yl here---2 ng fs sm/f lkl cotrs ????I wl nt b srp spr on sat ws prv nd pd fr by crmnls-the oth wld b frdl ngr f freq on loc accomp trs spry onepossibl thkg of aidg mob ntwk skg t flt tgts.---cmpl ng lndrt by crs hts ?shs ???phlw e lkt dm on tgt mob m/flib ==hg mrn -m tlib --mob. lkl rpt prtcp hrs f crws plyng dt bt abl tlk undrst whn wts rpt hrs -ws yr nm.
*****mon----???svc ts emp mlt times --f drv insp cns I gt ts---sm bl st lv???mr bs c?? svc s mlr--ns rd prsche svc mlr d... slp and tjs dyt--ngds ????7ckg698 I alw hv prbl wt my wrtg this tm wt ltrs ???a tng fs ?????m r .wm wt opp sx chld m/f---the f chld snded lk gng rdcl ---ha......... rpgrd ??? hts aimg at ???ws tg for ?mob ??hny t hl imp mnc mlt lgts d s? ????ins--scr fk it--gbu. w cr ??? ??? e pfrf mob glu tm????strg act guy vcn 711--omn lgh m ???ng vc fl bnc d w. cws-vst--ng is th gstf??? gng mob ng ?witc--ng?g mrnw d dg q--hau babe lbr d w. ******smn mkg gng mob messes vrd locs -most rec ntcd bf this at plm tlt-I ws t lt t mk it this tlt nd gngs mvd t adj crws hrs crz bk f ?????elvs ??ma--yl here---2 ng fs sm/f lkl cotrs ????I wl nt b srp spr on sat ws prv nd pd fr by crmnls-the oth wld b frdl ngr f freq on loc accomp trs spry onepossibl thkg of aidg mob ntwk skg t flt tgts.---cmpl ng lndrt by crs hts ?shs ???phlw e lkt dm on tgt mob m/flib ==hg mrn -m tlib --mob. lkl rpt prtcp hrs f crws plyng dt bt abl tlk undrst whn wts rpt hrs -ws yr nm.
Monday, June 20, 2016
amer is nt dn till it wipes u out dead w no recourse
evr stp I mk amer is out to dfrd nd t cnt t fbrct endls evil nd prblms fr which it believes its trgts t b fine suckers-each step viciously tortuouys nd pnd feet legs cut up nd full of fungus America goes arnd insltg dfrdg nd lkg t flt me fr its own trs trzg game at my expense-thy belive I dnt knw wht they cst me nd they believe I dt knw wt trtr is nd thy blv I dt knw the kind of life I fully deserve way more so than any of them. a wndr I md it alive t rec while bng bgd dwn wth all the ills borne from Americas trs abuse evn aftr I srtd bgs I cld nt std up nd whn I md it t ba I hd vic pain in lft hnd frm bgs I shl nt evr hv t cry but I hv n strg nd no one helping me as amer nd ted wnt and like its endless crimes exempted nd continued-trs country hoodlum people*****sat--???unrdb tlk ins gts hrsm 720????? ???347p ins tlt lkl mob ?pc tr ns --ins f in nst cotrs has gt job aftr intn trs hrsm ??I ws 19 mn psb ?prv ?dvs mob aflt hls blu st crn ?mir --hi tl gn up--why gr lt lk thf as ?cgrl blk ts trs as f me insp bgs hrs gng t wh pk lkl t efc gn hsm ???nt? sh t enf gn ?up-why gr lt ?lk thf as ?grl blk out as ???ts trs f mx insp bgs hrs gng wh pk lkl t ???efc gn hsm ??ntg t enf gn crai-mb bk tm vh n rt ???sdw blu-smk mx ??2 bp bgs btl rg bf me ptd ??? 2 blu bgs btl rg bf me ptd ?????2 blu bgs 2 blu bgs ????? 2 wsh ????crs ???? pls cn. inspctg t dmp on ???fgt ???implct mlc fst mk ?gmk cmn rkls ns prt ???dg w ?frf drv????? lk at hl???7aeh???417 847 cl be ???sbl cnt rd insf sgt 2d ??het on amr gds 711 wkng ?????tl?nsp vs hls cns gds on cmr tgt cnsp celebration gng crm ns??? ??? b fmmendls rp trs spry -gng op sm w of frf lkl w trs ?gleu mob gng nt dng ???insp crm cnsp fr ?scm lk ldrt at sm stp d w s lg sv pbdfc-e-yeah 5???ljs833--sml -tk pct w cr usg cell ??bk prd mtch ts thn ch my ts bag on prd aftr his prt wnt t rg trs--gsg trnd by crmnl gngs n prts lgt sv bgr ng f -hv gd dy-mob w vh cr ?sv bk plm lt hpg tht me?--i lk fr cns mbs lkl cnv bgs --inst mrdr me ?rp mob bth tms vst sd up bd cgh ??all ?fm ?spy nr frf lk gn cns in pkg acr plm ndls messes smlrs ones in strt nd sm e711 nd cws-lntc gng nd mob r rng prjcts here. ?2m--pgln dfr grd exc cr ??ve **sun--bk sat ern ern gng tlk -sml bgs-- blk tnk/sh pcdnb??? brkg??? w mvn rv rvs brdg dn mid bnt wy wr ofrd f. rmp/temp dbl apts w sd of apts mnt obk myb bns or rks thwn fm hgh up w sd of bldg bpg cr w rmprt ???ms ba ?? ??? ns rd cr d mlr at svc btc inn gn--whu--she sees u apc ln wlk up snt ??cns inn gn ??/sm lkl w free bs pass stlg crn la cieng cns. smn lying undst hlwy pk no dstr??? ????fcrs ???? w-stk gn ins mob f scr ngs ??? sm bk gy yl hr emp grn bg sit on grd dft crn locs--trio gng gps ???? gn clk bsy wkg tws tgt-hy nw flw by sh psm ?fnl e ??bdy vs yrs?hrs plm bs sc messes 711/cws??--lkl mob artsts bk w w/??hvt twst fr mob msd all bks/ms ??mkrs lkg--bry me--lw if? sch drt bk f--try stl bgs snd ngt ltr flwd by mob blk ml---glu gd wl fl u--trng t blm mob endls crms wrg wy nd aiding crm pls prs at n cst.erl bk on sun eve 2 w chks-she shl b in hsp cnt tk cr hrs lkl bds of my mtr-the thief aided by ldrt/ldrt attys sp m blu pplmr w--spkr rec cns re mslf pres 2m ???vsta s trn ally bf sm all mob -?re sml mob cnsp --she stks --lkl mob exc dvc mob ngr f frm str spry btl-who trez me emptd entr btl w scm ngr by 711 strg dn my bgs-hydt-is she crsg-gngs lkg t rvs instg.w 711???? ???blkg out n cnt rd- strng t mk wy t hv n too hot fr me t hdl-spsd nc f dfr rec-lkg t blm me fr cns-wc i nvr shl hv t rec due t weights nd trtr mob america nd its frds r brnging me undistrbd tht i need 40 yrs trs acts money t th sec nd cntg nd so ishl lv wo sfrg at pntv dmgs on amrcs trs acts - mob cntry---trs people.grds sun ng 3 -f-heey-gng call d e thn 2 bk west lkl w cmras nd wrd snd sleep tgt eliminate mnc police.had t mv frm bnc by plmr whn mob apcd nd cld me bdy--ifct mob psg me fr ml -the oth mob mnc tactic.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
eld fm out of tl sm tm as me lib sh mlr svc sm psb exp wh pk cnsp shl be fly reop the 20th I blv .?ng stz ft of rt sv hrs ltr. smn try t check int my seat-I nt cpy num now distrb me their mob cmp t ws my tm ???7fva740 w mrc sv t unk -I lv u grp cmp admn t sht up fr rsns thy hv vs u I thk -mob trs dfrdr smn of rdg gls cr pk oth lkl cmn cnsp-cntns trz cnsp cnvrs nx me. t dm on me wo px ??? by 711 one of sus mob blk f ins lgt tn sv myb w of frf ns dk cr w sm t frf n ???hgt(s)-sm/frf ???undecupk cl b wrg mg hv? aid t s crm bt cmp dsl pair ?spld smn ???mtb cnsp bgs w sm prf cr-ch?e ad ????hrd che??? ??/rc. grp-sr bn ?sm n lksdl ins??? w gy vista gn nt of cws --fu--gng mob slgn. 2 mb ??aps ????pfrms e 1-au ???og alr tdy erl wrd in bk ???ht fny mgm bshs wrd--?rd hd cr/crs sht cs frf thn w few emp--u knw I nv tlk t u-u fl me ard gn op wk crm edn frf trs mb f wst ??? stb????ps ????mnt ???lktvr of bk snd ins als sus stbks wstmnt trs f ins scr of snd mob ????? ????trbdr mob t oldr sn thts old ld.emplyee blw lib lkl tnd t mob t mk m susp
Friday, June 17, 2016
thurs---lg blk guy p24h ftn w/lts of cns/shp crt. sh [ crs hts pk lkg t fnd flt n dmp it on me frq actg on mob cmplts. shl/711 w of frf al cns gn.ngr-wt cmp frf/s/ jlu cvr fr endless ngrs stlg hg amts of cns nd thrt trz gt out of trs cn etc. blk guy in brtg msk-im svrl blkg out agn ht slp nd hvy crg fr ntg prbl tchd my nk or smtg of srt as he psd csg me t scrm as is inapprop.-he wlk awy .p 1-bl e of flr w dfrf .strg silvrs hue nsy spts cr crs up dn plmr pk pkg thn e via cws js nw I hd lng vcs hnd pain bcs I dr nt nd lkl cnt mv any crt. I blv thr wr sm crs actg strg bth dys sch as bg pkd in mdwy sbst tm etc js I typed wth one hd awhile bcs hd trb lng pn thn wt t bthr n rn wtr=im bsc kilg slf fr ntg as evr steals n I blk out nd tgt of hlpf t mob le nd gds le lk out t hlp wt dest frmg p crg ave dlbr.prp amb sec-hlp mob do frmg per ted pls mob scr.mrn--ylg thtg ngr who fld t fly blw up onl lkl due t psb wtnsses vcn mtr stp gldw myr bldg. ng rd pts lying on crescent heits pk bnc undstrbd by anyone endless ngs w tns of cns nd few oths myb hsp all bf me nd nt ovrstr n smh mkg unbl t mv earl engh nd prp cns tgt of cmnt mob who d nt ws t py on amrcn md crm or indcd sfrg nd wld rtr wst u at own exp-thr r sm ignrms hndts--sdly all this adds up t nghn nd engh fr nthg wo oth subst rsc -its js trt pain rsk fr ntg nd fr sfrg fr wch mob prp nd t ws u bf anyone els-mob trs usa jtl wkg to frm nd cnsp-tpcl thr no goog non useab or noncarryabl fd or unh psns or fd wc rqrs chg all wc wll d me n gd -I hv abs n tth sh p robtsn/sm brg lt cnsdrg hw he cld b usf in wstg me-prp wst cnt dmg nd nt py-per mob trs usa who all blv thy ought hv lf bt nt u-ngr wst rtd tgt sm stp at svc by rage ngr w 2 sh cts lg umbrella ultmtl lying dn in dyt--bf prd sw this guy stng at dhn wt endl sh crts nd he dntd few cns he nd frd used-no one smd t btr him-but he nvr expln his stn wch smn mgt like. mike constantly afraid someone will just walk in on him as criminals have keys. cpl empl eating stbks rbrts gvg me drt lks.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
trs frm st victors -richard thief on weed-amng endls crmnls amrca dgs
moca arch bldg. wh--sec gd bk insp tgt as I wlk dn sn vcnt-drkr skn f slps on moca theater row steps-gd ds nt sm t b trg t arst hr-I dt blv she hd any hls bgs-prhps thts smtg trs r aftr. ldsp p shrff --4012. ts cns ps mtr hv liners nw. stbks-gng rmvd cns bf me nd gd nt cmng gng alr rmv cns.w m gn trs und tjs rf --mob. shf pkng ?**** Richard--thf cgt in wh bf I mvd smk pot bh mbl trs nw incased in fnc-at the time he sntched my bgs put in trs-this time thrtnd grp of people snt my bgs-if I hv bgs stln -hes the one who did this--indeed thr ws nmrs swft hits on my bgs lst I lvd hr--snc I was bk I blv I hrd hm dng gng cal nd als-yell weed on bik vcn lacien nd ths wed -marijuana crsc hts pk bf he thrtnd me. e. crt trs ?hlp gn/mb alt crs hts pk--- ?mrj pls thts psb trs 8dg pls who thks I'm in his wy rp ??vrs thts unf hd hrd tm mkg out -als wl hv sv frds hlp him prc??? me in his wy or apt hm --gs apx 530p cns mob gds lft 711 ?w of ???? in cnt of mob ldrt wh mob cnsp csg me t spl lq fr cn I rtrvd at 711 trs. as I am cert ort of trs prp. gds ag e p plmr pk cr psb blk acrs w gld myr***sus mob cr? ylg 911- as did mob in orvl-lkw rcd thrtnd me wt smtg if I rpt him.mob ml vcl ns frm vcn.gngs --rcd ws allgdl reptd by jesse-thts wt jesse tld me lst I lvd here-he sd he hd him arstd fr thft bt thy let him out-my gs lk trs ldrt rcd is smth tlkg oprtr. rcd qlt--gngs drgs thft thrts swftns-prnia fr dgs.?? ???hi-im gsg vh myb dir fdl- hi-is cmn amg gngs-free clnc at fdl will nt lt u use their cell or chg one fr u-so its impsbl t chg one as I dt drv.smt oprtg penny-ldrt wf skn as ghos at fdl cordell drvg vn- by mvng early t mk it thr nd buy pds 99 cents str I was unbl t clct cns- nd as I gt tired-I als ws nt abl clct cns till mrn. crdll nd ldrt all tm co lkl hpy t pass me fr nut fr sk of ldrt snc thy thk thy will all gt away with this convn which lts ldrt nd his knd do crm fr free. gds in gn bkst fdln vcn prb fr hlwd dstr le snpg ard fdln syc/rom. giggl trs e 711 vcn ng in blu gng e d frf mobil all trs emptied in advc-psb mob gng accmdtn for frd frdly gngs alw rem thy still cstmrs wth dict or brglrzd mnys ??? ???thrt cng ngr 24 hr ftn dmpstrs-bf him guy w tns of cns hlt nd fnctnl nt wstd lk me-I'm gsg this one hs strg nd cn gt cns as well as smh srv bth ht nd cld dft hrs wch rqrs dft cltg. sw dsrts pltd -frd frdl crmnl cnsprd mob whose prp is t kp tgts wstd wo pay nd keep criminals to wst tgts thy onc wstd thmsls like ted/penny/publ couns--trs countr/mrdrs people.nigger altercation in lib--allg ngr compln thn wt guy cmpln bkmthd left ngr cntnd mth rung.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
if u pass out -u go t jl -its a crime in mob run west hollywood - compliments ambassador security tgt hrsmt wasting enhncmt
stbk gd nt cm out - lkl bcs he alrdy allwd gngs get all theirs as I ws rtr lt nd thr ws ntg lft.gng afflt dfrdr mob f ps stbks e -au hgry?--why py crime bills btr scm hgry. erlier dfrdr mob blk m by lib ofg swtr.wtls tms cfms frm mob mob t hlp trs crm at n chg wvn d w --fk srn sd???ppk crn hlw.trs fl bl --mlcs mob guy aid cnsp t atk hrs t vctms crs abs tgts trs w t mb ml cns hrs vctms ****gsg ard 745p ambassador security crs hts pk frd frdl drkr f on bk cmpl sit slpg in pk whn her cowrkr mob ambsdr ml on bik gv hr instr whn t arst me--trns out--west Hollywood is running conspiracy on arstg people fr blkouts due t abs by mob trs usa--all of this my b legal in usa--just like ylg by fire dept in chico while I cl nt mk a sd nd trtrg me t dth t stl nm frm uncnsc frm pkt--trs cntry mrdrs people.trs mob le ?sm d crs hts w aidg crm cnsp mob cmn int. w tk bp t shll pwrd by drkr myb hs f ?8x966??93 I rl did nt gt gd engh view n prb lgtg mob w f oth sm shl loc atmptd mn insl -unfr my dy hs bn wrkd by ambsdr sec as res of whom ****I als accidtl hit soar spot on my head apx nt fr frm my rgt eye brw shtl aftr bng jltd awk by mob ambsdr sec who hv rgt t arst blkts t mk sr u die in a hry frm slplessnss by accdt******so I rfsd-brgng trs org t rlt---mob cmn n trs usa owe me fr 40 yrs trs acts ???mob bp p spldg e cr nr pkg --hi trn d e. mobamb gds ps 711 e of frf vcn--bk at shl susp mlt mob prst-wst dctr trgts fr free as thy gt trtrd t dth gt no wr wt trnchd up ft n blkng out stkd out by mob trs le--n mob gds aptd t wst tgts wo pying on the wst-- a lvl mngm dfrdr trs tctcs--I ws at bs stp nr plmr whn mob ml st dn sm bnc dsptc by mob nd t smk trz- I gt up nd wnt t oth stp--ths flks g t wr u sit onl to mob trs- saw mob bk f d plmr via insd crws alrd aftr 9p. mob ml did ths fr mob nd lkl trs did nt gt t trz me nr tlt so thy needed t flfl trzg mob qta fr the dy hlpg inspr trs mob actvt wh-----ths trs g bhd my bk insp mnc and orgnz prblms nd frctn--bt fr sr thy nt isis. trs mnc dstrctn tctcs assh prp t brg ws stl frd bfrd n chs ws u in rlt t nil of their kind elmntd wstd or dspsd n prb. dict trs prtcp gng ard t orgnz prb ptu out nd avd paying on their lgr n wy fr cstl trs schm ***trs on bike--g mrn p bby blues--mob oprtv****mob le bsy frmg frm 711w lot mob le crs hts trn n mob le crs hts e.thy eithr arst u n or us med dg/srvcs lobby t wst u instd of py u on crms mob cmtd--gl as alwys elmn wo py nd stl frm tgts-why py on crm ?--this is all pwrfl mob usa--much btr mk fs fry of tgt--mob trs usa cmplmnts of west hlwd. as I sfr endls bkts frm endls mnc nd abs whs prps is t nt py nd t ws u at yr own sfrg nd expns
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
mon---mob shny insp fr mob sh stn d e--hrd vcn sbw-nt wt ?? our trs cn--?????rm psbv--mob nt cnsdrg if ths applies js t me--its tgtg nd on serial basis prsc ???yls g sv alfd st e ???smn up gb bp sh ???? r???? sm ng ask lgtr lts pt smk pltd in trs cn unk loc imps t rmv nd lkl hlps frt dstry brtg nd brn dmg ??????dg qn crsg ped bw 76/shl ???mlc insl pls crm t dfrd pkt my lf w evr gn trtrd in strts wo py 711 w of frf trs emp due texc fr ngr mob -lkl psb.mob sc --????ct hl lts tk pct dlbr sht blk w of lbr cnsp aids ????smt fnl--sw wt ???br --prp ntg t d wt slw--prp is mlcs gng trs--othr cnsp dsc frm smt/fnl vcn--unfrt evr bdl dcmntd as im deadly nnd trtrd thks mob trs free rd usa plc aid tgng cnsp lbr vcn --???cnsp mob spcl oprtns lctn le lbr sm e dhgld. 2 ???pprs h ee. 1--jesus --mob aids. ???mob le crs hts e dfrf. sw cr at rec rd my b smlr t rd onc?? ??act strg btntcd ntg tdy n cld vr esl b wrg cr rec ?????7gre546
Monday, June 13, 2016
thur--w sv ???rpb js bf ?shll?? ntc ern mkg mob tp cmnts rec-thts illegl.unk which crmnl did wht pvlns-bt lkl hls ldrt st vctrs mob cotrs frds of ted n co.????. mlcs clgn-plmr tlt fri-mob aidg gd ???cnt rd wrtg --stbks frds of mob-als bd peop adj ramada but I dt go near tht one thy blv thy own the street as well I do rec incid ngr grd ws prp nr me snk up mkg call to frtr sprt mob cnsp lndrt co trs grp---the 2 trs hls wr gng trzg me nd ylg my nm wch thy gt frm unk src tjs area assuming this ws rgt dy I hv vry hd tm rdg nts I hv time ntd here 855a? vh lgts ldsp psb co trz shfs p wstbrn d wstmnt . ern rpt rec -ths illeg -mob cmt re smtg I hd ntg t d wt.incid fri 10 Coronado d whollywood line ten sdl I fld t ntate bus digits. fem gng crm gt on bus flawless eng but actd myb s amer dt kn bs dgts psb 5651 gt on bus w of crn kpt mkg mlcs cmnts in st nd prp psg me ard bf mvg elswr nd cnt inslts on wy out serial crmnl fem prp stpd on my opn lf ft all wy twds win sd thn wlkd out pyng unk fr amt nd cnt mob cnspr while hdg crm- myb one of mjr serial thieves sdl due t poor sgt vis rec I hv hrd tm rec gt off apprx hlwd area the crmnl stpg on my ft on prp on wy out -I askd drvr t cls cps-this ws stg act frm strt t fns. ths psg gt on bf 145p off 150-6 drv nt cll plc js thn nd mob myb cnt cnsp bh my bk. thr ws ngr ml on bus wt hd pns rptg tl thm nt t lt her on bus re me echoing mob instgtr crmnl. shfs flwd int lt plm vcn unk gng cnsp rsn . m/f biks e of plmr--ml vc ovr--f--bp.--mob trs. lkl. sun mrn ng f---I dt hv rm rg nw 9282--hd empt bus--full bus ml nig gv m free rd. all oth rds 5 rds this wkd I ws frcd t py 1.75 as cnsp ml trs 10 line tnd in tht I dt hv crd--lkl frd of mob-ths sm too cmn. whs ?sus rd c ddhn--???t.u. bp ??prtn unrdb e frfx e?. lkl mob trs cns at stbk ??brd by mob sldr trs sng mob lnd ng/fm ???stvc mob pro trs mrd smt tlk ldr gds pfl e--ldr trs****sun rfl gn mob ???bd ???fct lk hw mn.s's gt lnd mob grp ng-crw-mrn ng-crw mrn d u wt tghiws--frd frdly sm as fw cns chg cns... prp--glu ddictator --im blkg out bdl js abt ls evr wch I cnt rd or mk out ??57?10 --drv lkg at me ?tbld? unrdb sh crs ?spld mob m w who acts lk mob bw wstbrn wstmnt ths tm w of rbrtsn bf dhny stdg in strt wrg ???? bcn hs crw shrt ml rhs --g lk ??nl by gy cl--wau dg --jse ldrt mob blk ml or qn actr-lv me aln-dfrdr scm --mrnm hrd f cr d lcng ???psb lmn g r off--cnt mk out mng. ou?? st bk out blnk gsg bg sus plt ???hd fd --unedb--hnd-nt det ??ed gng trs mob dmp hdt ??dfr ldr??? mob ttrz me/my bgs c
Thursday, June 9, 2016
wed----???sc p mb w--w rec?dg qn eying my bgs pshl d e. thf ?pr unt st hrs w/mn n int t ????bv bk op t cnsl? crm eit hsp or ?pc isl shl w f-gn pts mb dq?? bk w stk out my bgs gng dsptc ngrd jm immedtl in frt of me cmflg cntnrs non can bag type nigil spldng d w. mob ws trs dsp sm d fl half way in blk inst of pyh fr crm thy spt int fc by mns of wrtls ins lk thts wt u dsrv tot wrtl cnsp pltg cns ?ctms. dsp pnts t spt int trs tctcs . mob sc m w of ??shl apc cig w/wch thy csd me endl cld cgh cngs nd scr frt rgt hd pain wch is nt as bad as it was whn strtd bt does nt want t cmpl g awy---2--at ls 1 f inst cnsp in prb 2 tm st w of plm p crw mob here hv no prb ???mat cnsp cnsp ??nxt--wt lcl ml hr--4 gng trs ppns???w sw e df plm dlbr--sec pfrm w sm --2 bks mj of crs lkl on lmn cst cvr plm w m mob d wstmnt mob sh p stn e. ??5jjj624 tn lsy cr nrg dhn w offg cns lkl dsp wt gry hr oldr ml insd rd fcd ??? ins ???etg???-incmpr pls im psg out hvg blkts no pills n too much strn sfrg in genr wt psb hd dmg frm cld nd crng - no ones problem
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
backtrack--thus u might think chs off bus as deserving but not when u look at the fact of transit center dog bite on exc sm dt few yrs earlier. u might thnk chevron chase out accidt or coincidence bt nt when the decisions behind it took place same time as latest dog bite nd barrage of threats beg at aprx raleys crn lot but crdntd wth othr gng tms nd nt when this has been hpng ovr tm in addtn t numerous othr gng extrtions nd was needed as cover up t rpt burglaries break ins nd hndng trzg obj thrwng brk ins nd burglaries dcmntd t cert extnt in blg . u mgt blv ted nt pkg me up an accidt bt nt when he made very cert trial is scheduled when he wld be in twn cld my mthrs atty the very day bf trial nd hlpd mr gaugh pull off heist by short cause by insuring I dt hv an atty nd mkg cert I am nt at trial--on wy t prev crt aprnc lndrt actd vry susp dng his vr bs t push me int wrst cs scenr thraft whn his dsrs f;d t mtrlz he simpl nt pk me up---t snk the boat.***tues---aftr rec 2 susp pth fm agts wt nd blk wr mob dsptc t ctc me by ba w of svcn. ng mob lcng ylg smtg re trs cn lkl nw cnsp emp trs cns.711 e of frf by mob ??? argmt at stkt mob dic?-sty awy vc by trs on gd -mv fast or els cr vc spd d east ?cr p? d lbrea. p ?????snbn. sc rd h m wllng??? trs by cws plm pk ?wrd rd t--d frf trs scdrl plt sm w trs as tht see to it mny stys stln n awy fr u as mob pls hits it likes ngrs psb lkl argn erl ???ts pk up ??sp areas by argm sh mob aidg mob optvs sml t cmn srv whn ths is flsl md t appr legal whn in fct heist ???shffs wtc me pt on snkrs ngt tm aprx gs flr bs stp.--im blkng out wthout spl I need or prpr rest. guy nc at mobil ths mrn invt me t gt cns incl in bk trs.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
mob bk in bk slgtl ht ps me bk bpk nv ht p svc/sh stp d w --incmp- mb gd ??????stbks grd lkl aflt wmob nd shrf mob snc iv cm bk earl dys ag ws hghly intrstd whn I bnt int cn -sdl ntg ilgl n ltl oth blg insl tctc- blng mv fs lk I shl be afrd of hm ovr strt trs cn if unbl t mv fs whl chkg fr gds strt trs stbks crn-the grd actvl aidng zoo mob cnsp of blk f frm in vcn wt crt n crd brd box the cr in crw nd sktb t plmr blkng out illnss ovrstrn lk of prp spl nd qlt rs js stps awy ??wtn ls ?1/2 bk nd prb lkl dct trz incntv ??? by trs lk ldrt nrb st st vctrs-- exc-ws? n too lg? need rc--need tm bhd stb ??--zoo mob dfrdr-grt cnsp mob shf zoo ols trs mnp dctrsp elmntn lobbies push abt rdclg tgts of gngs w ?wsv wr t dk gy mob cr mob 75 cnts tg w mob wsv hldg on t ofrd wtr-she did nt lk it I wl nt b drkng it mob lobby hndg wstg dctrsp dfrdr aided by mob le dp gry cr lkl mob bh shrf d crs hts at 76 lkl sm ng ?f frm in w tnk I blv inst hsp t use ebt tap the ng bh ?stb plm cwsfr gs wc algd he shl hv usd inst of mny--sm ng as frm ps tj d strb nd ltr sktb plm pk nd frm cws pnh $1s hrsm dscr hdg elmntn dctrshp mlcs prjdc t accmdt own crm drt lks dfrf oldr ml cr d plm-ws plm pk? trnd dlbr instd.unk x wt us he hd fr prk or orientation pnt. guy nr fld nx t tlts try t instg ang twd tlts smn hs bn absvl occpng in ps sgstg lie its grls dng mk up he als clmd swr ln hs bn chgd--prb lkl str. ltr sw mob ?f w sktb t plmr all ths rdclng instgtg mnc frmng pcng sm nx plmr guy wt dmgd leg unk prp. hls dng mob vcv prerec tp sds tjs vcnbw Westbourne n westmount mob le p strbks lkg t frm fr mob oth mob le ?probts d dhny.
Monday, June 6, 2016
sat--rich fr st vct lcn ylg weed bk pls gtr wvg bk sv grp hlwy w sm mobil-smn rmvd 2 gbg bgs I ntcd-thr ws smlr actvt prior t me bng chsd orv chvr bt iv bn thr mny yrs -thy all knw I dnt do antg of the srt but I cnt hlp it if thy r bds wt mob. lid ws hngng loose on one sus-?????dq qn pls m crs ?ht pk d e. prf crm brk ???fets.instd plm pk f?s gvg me mlcs drty lks.627/649 eyesgt eye failure aq blu/w cr bgr sz cl b sv ngr mob ?f w tnk cnt wt u in gbg cn lts mv gbg cn-blv mob brk bth tlts plmr prk bt I'm the one being crsd ard by their oprtvs nd gd while crmnls look a lot like them thy all mlcsl stereotyped me for mob convenienc wr mob need nvr py.the fm wt white tnk fm t sm w crn pnh $1 frm drvr psb bdy or comob nd antr $1 frm oth prs ths ws ard 915p.crn prs w/blk antq cr ltr trd t offr me nt bg prt of mob dict cnsp brnws ?? nt t b prec--cl hv bn num gngs on s. t sm on ??? flr le on sns bkt sptg gngs n ???? tctcs ???oth s ng up sm -?my op gy w nt--lkl is anm bag ??cn vry ???ftg ?????chict prj rsn gd prv fr st trs n lie abt nt thr I hrd ld fl smh als ckg nt ????ulfl trs hs gd jb bossa nva grd fr rsa or ukr lkl hv str trs cn in frt---kp going ????ly?g t d mnc le ?????pfrm? I thn ??few mk brst tp blasts Benton dn twd templ ?prp of ?shts blasts unk fg ing ?sk--hi/wv f fr ?dmn srl zoo gng ??? hrs lft ovr psn frm shk rst prsvd by trs mob t avd paying on mob crime nd t dstrct attn. away frm crm doers ??trs cnt see unrdb mt bk f usa bn tlu m/f brg lft ovrs ??? hv blsd dy pba dk skn trs mob hpy I msd cns ???wds free p pk zoo gd dk skn s?nk rnd alt /mtvs instd of aftr gn ngrs pls pkng als oth ????upto??? dys ago w/cell sm blnd grds/mkrs in pk tl ng snk fr bh crws??? u sm ????? mob gd bkcs amb sec sht e of crws hlp ??? mob dlb ltr hdg w pr ws cr 2 prp ws trgts. la jolla nt of sm strt trs cn rp msd up by mob als blk cr slv ln plg out of thr ths mrn.u knw ted/sarah bgt mo the brglr nd heime the cnvr crs--thy cn buy me st Petersburg mansion nd eng mny t pay fr evr in lf tm- I dt nd their scm fd or wrtls scm mny inslts-ths willnvr py fr endlss loss sauffering these mobs hlpd bring abt tell saint victor parish to make them pay --engh suffering engh loss-now time t pay pntvly on bhlf of ted/sarah cnsp t live me wtht mny nd mk ths stk lk it blngs-sry u wll nt buy out wt dfrdr fd inslts avl in btr qlty insd trs -crime must be paid fr pntvl nd ms b engh mny sgt fr 40 yrs of trs acts by trs usa.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
fri-there was no email this sat mrn so I dnt knw in Oroville criminals could have walked in nd burglarized the computer in case u are wondering about this town or this guy who only checks selective emails and ignores all the rest. ??sc frt of mtr ngr gtg cn frm s cld mtr trs in fct mob trs- ngr hs crt nd lts of bgs. no one cmpl. ng. empl--rflc jkts lkg at me w/int t elmnt 7hrg?487 shl mob of bk cr ins mob ???psn ???sp ngr wt t ?jm ???? ?of ?me t rmn plmr tlt trtr sty lng tm smk cig ins t frt wst my hlt frc cig smk ?scm outs stpd thl alk ??str ng tm ??hug w sd of ow???? ??? ??? ngrs smk dlbr ??? ???? cmp usa stlg hlt .. fr me their fvrd wst elimintn tgt sktbds strg zoo mob ng gd stbks nr tjs- ws hpng thr--this grd alwd ng f t hng pnh thr fr yrs bth ngrs. most grds here r ngrs mny hls ngrs lkl disp num in mtro lkl nigrs lkl mob. this slm wl hv n prb ws u in tl bcs t rch fr cns or antg of use u ms dig nd as im sick im lt nd slw mob nd trs usa put me nd my lf int tlt fr free. gngb fr wh pk pshrfs w dfr ngr gvg cns by pvlns--dfrdr srv frm smn who mks mr mny fr drkng oth wys.
Friday, June 3, 2016
thues------ ong cnt cngs prblms flwg a cld snc I cm hr-kp wndrng if I cl hv bn psnd smh.trt hvy bgs wt ngt clothes oth minr itms sm cntr by dfrdg trs who thk thy imprv yr lf wt 2 cnts thy mk blv thy r dng gd deed or thk thy shll buy you lk a chl w/lollipop while in fct orgnzg mob trs lkl crmnl cnsp-but in America free bcs some people hv no rgts exc t b mobbed nd wstd. prior bnc bngrs wh prk wt int t glu by dfrdg or reaction provocation mob crdnt ext n c pln. crs hts.snk mb ngr f dfrdr. I am bdl ovrh nd blkg out -thy dt thk I kn wt cnsp is.---by 711 vic . ws r c cr? sm oth? trs--mth rp bkts str bh ???sp ???e frt ng w's mob citrus p wstb??? w dfrdr ?w cr yl p rbrtsn w rpl --earlier ths dy aft I wt t tlt mob cmp wh pk offc re all tht stff etc.. hrsg frd frdl rpt.flks lk ernie rec spt trs lk ted-whm trs hrt in amrc is of no cnsq as lng as people dslk tgts.2 susp 1 m my tbl oth f adj tbl bth dspwhile I ws in tlt. ???prtcpts??? etc...*******mny sgt fr all trs acts by usa hrsmt losses trzg sfrg extortion too tired to enumerate--America likes dictatorship ignorance nd abuse and its purpose is to pass its ong crimes as legal and lovely-trs country nd murderous people--when they kill u --thy abs do not hurt---deeds by American mob American mob community American system American law enforcement American animal control have put me into street and everything mine in jeopardy- ---trs states is convinced this is all a ride for fee---trs country nd murderous people--designed especially for beloved America appreciated trs like landreth ryan black nd penny landreth nd all its associates and supported groupies upheld by greater trs usa--trs country nd murderous lying connivers on a free ride for people
Thursday, June 2, 2016
tues-??? shrf ??? cns bf wh?? hng out -n lkg thlp hg tgt. lgr yth grp wlk w aft gng ***dk skn gigg 2 yths trd hdg me w/brgr-- trs mob schl operation all assembld dk skns. tl his ml smlr hs f pme dlcng. mob rt plm??? w ppk acr brnys dlcng bnt ovr to ***wv at me-mob gstr trs pr trs mob. ng pmbl dlcn w hnd fln pkt chg 3 trs ngs crs hts pk rd bk -hyd ml ??? bk dg ??? -giggln ped ngr instg cigs--instg mob trio. optns mob frnc d crs hts. gngs plng crm by 7-11 his ml inspct gsg nd mob sptg ngr.his-insp fr crm opt ---ngr --sht up.ngr mob team lg blk chev sv 15538L1 w sd ??? ???--pnh ng cws plm pk othr susp cr ws crn sm blvd w blk hair brchstd ml myb arb or his.prp ?? b mnc sm as by 711 plng crm or mnc mud cnsp lmntn bk f drt lks unf lk sec sm fr lbr d w-lkl mob oprtv w dfrms pro trs mob ldrt Dylan mob memo bk ??ft grd in spt of smk n lndrt trs --bk/ft mob mnvr-dm on tgt cmnt fr cmn scm lk ldrt pro trs tgt hdg le tnt n sm ??f.e. unrdb mob?? le up ??? of frm--hlp gng trs mob le lbr sm SpCr ???mob hdg le pplm dwst ?7ryn689--w sv blkt nd nt sr frt num bk psvc t w---undstmt--mr prpundr asshl under lndrth undr trs---mob trs usa.****wed--2nd hlf--by ?rlc--mob nrm nt hv any mn. bf wow tdy cn mn $1 mob dsp trs inst cnsp ??eu mnc bp plm pk w-gsg blk cr psb in gp mob bn pbrn e ****?gd mrn --mob prsc trs dsptc cngs bkt acr strbks d e. f sm offg bk sd -dsp w--no int ??tpy mob am sh wt t dsc on bgs fr dvc wh thy hv dctrs cnsp crn rb/sm???? ???d w trs frm at atm sm tm as me 6??? ??by hrs wtg t spk spns trs dsp cnst aprc cnv rp --mlc dsp gng trs t wh pk trz instg ***.wh pk ofc mb op hd dsc thrs mrn re stf t prmt mob spt aprt aided by wh pk 1 st dn nrb tbl one at my tbl js t seewt wld hpn frm org blng aft I cm out tlt bth wr gn. ****bk t wed--ft wtc stl evr w of hntl/24 hr ftn brn no ???one insltg the ft prb his scm. ??ngr f hair yl sht ***mob crying lk rooster zoo gng ptjs east w/cdbd bskt ftd t crt fr cns --no one btrg mob. $inslt prsc mob --g bls u---gbu same mob trs gng dfrdrs w of shk rest f--frd frdl.frm sn vcn labr--cld be bth mob nd ldrt oprtv.othr $1 pltnm hair -fr sda--mobil--thts wt mob has fr u --ntg pls endls prsc nd mjr crm cvrd up***mob tll oldr blk m p 76 e--wts up brtr?--its a mn--grtd orvk mob tlk. hsp--sus cnv 711 ph ???wfrt bk sh yl hr mob sus frf d e . sm as by 76 mob ml pspldg? e -is it gd?? mnc instg rdcl inslt..--I blv ?ng ps acr st cmn usg cell to prmt mob coordntn dictatorship wstg elmntn tctcs. mob ??pr ??lbr le lbr d s.
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