Friday, June 24, 2016

america employs fraud safety, sec, hosp firms t hlp mob wst its trgts nd has evr intention t suprt mob tactics

this fri mrn I was apprcd myb js pst lajolla wt malicious complnt utilizing the ambsaddors-they alleged iv been hanging by hugos and yelling at its customers-fact I nvr spnd any time by hugos-thr is stp light by its entry whr I must wait for light t cross and which cmng bk I skip entirely on hugos end for purposes of shortcut. I do not spend any time whatever hanging there however homeless mob friends might but the intended trgt is not them -the intended trgt is me nd the trs lkl mob aids and supporters given they r doing this wo cause r insinuating smtg which snds vr realistic nd hpl aided by frd hsptlt mob-allegedly unknwn prty insinuated hanging thr and ylg at customers. nvr in my lifetime do I hang there nor even remotely aware of anyone who is their customers I dt assoc w/thm . this occurs simult on dy whn sm ngs apcd me agn ms ntbl nigr in cws lkg fr cns who flt he hd rgt t tell me which sd t pk cns, dk skin prsn w of frf who wt dir 711 grtd prt of cnsp mob who suggested I shld walk on one side of street sec ambassadors just west of lajolla approx. who wr bng hsptb t mob team undsclsd alleged frm hugos telling me im yelling sptg nd nt t wlk pst hugos untl I assrd them this ws pblc sdwlk-when thy thrtn me wt sheriff upn nx call all this disclosing no info reprtcipants. lkl lndrt mob oprtv -svcnte d w --lkl suspcs prsn by mobil wt insl wrtls mny I rfsd lstng t mlcsly twst my wrds.their mvng vh was ambassador sec wh with 3 males ins nd did nt disply phone thy insisted ws upon the vh.saw a nigger wt crt brfly stp hugos entry t tlk t smn thr-smthg I nvr do-I nvr at all associate with these people who now we know cld be prtcptg in mob conspiracies elimination tactics aided by city of whlwd as displayed on vh.***thrs--ernie-rec--mob sec tctcs -too lng. ?????rp hrs --fr c????-- ????fr h ?wmt stbks -thgh im blkg out now re cntent.-I rem this was frd hls prsn psg mlcs insl mny-thts hw mc criminals blv u shl b hpy abt whn ignrtly thy hlpd cst u wy bgr mny nd prblms cntng cnvng invntd nd mlcs cnsprd trzg usa club hply aided with their crimes by such mob agents as ambassadors lkg t elmnt nd wst mob trgts fr mob whom it is their duty t accmdt at expns of tgts t b wstd.. smn aslp inr bnc crs hts prk no one btrg ltr I dscvrd prsn slpg on grd bh me sm loc no one bthrg at the mom myb drk?? but unk  hrd t see gsg ngrs. cws mrn 5tvp207 gry cr ngr rp mumblg I cl nt undrs 2 mob  grds??? ne labr. ?labr hls ??pg by 711 rtrt unvs??? bts d n  unk vh frm w bpg p??? ? frmsa hrd fall thn fem cld saying tel phone fallen saw trs can fallen same loc nd small mess sm vcnt-I gss mob gds fld t ctc the villain nd nvr wr lkg-thy inst chs trgts fr dmltn by mob wh frd frdl inslt srvc who blvs thy cn by frdsp wt mlcs inslts as thy dictator yr life int cnsprd nth or jailcell trs lndreth style.shfs plm pk vcn lkl wt me on their trg lst -cws ng dctrg wc sd pk cns.flwd by dk sk mob w of frf trg t dict wc sd of strt I shl wlk.thi prs aftr mob engaging me crsd d 711. I ntcd ?flr e sd of plmr???cnfsd cnt dcpr. gbg bg msg frt trs plm prk I nt wlk frtr t trd fr t dy. ***plt fr ambsdrs 41790k1 had n phn brochure or bsn crd city of whlwd since 1984-hwvr nt prtc actv untl much mr rec-whn I lvd hr frmrl nvr sn ths gds 711 or crs hts prk.-3 mls in vh--aiding mob cnsp t cmt cnsprc crm vs ths trgt--why not??---in amer this pays.suggested I nt wlk ps hugos based on mlcs invntd allegation the mob tries t spt out of your talk wtht disclsg crmes by trst cnvrs nd liars whm thy hv crfl hid nd prtctd nd wo evn gvg out num excpt their cnctn t city of whlwd .ntcd yelling dk gn cr gsg psvc d lcn w red sgns in windws myb fr sale nd smn ylg myb hisp unk rsn I dt see ths notated. mob w amer flg ht sm/svc wlkg w aftr ylg thyr cmg aftr u -re---fire engine or etc?????phone ambassadors 888-456-2646 accdg t intrnt els call city of whlwd. bsd in ky--502-749-1551 fx -0522

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