Monday, December 22, 2014

america - reserved for organized crime

red truck pulled into highway advertising change here to "help"
you. by courthouse at 1:40 pm long ways before I reach the bus stop area preferred passenger scream - hi!!!!!!!!!!! are you hungry? she had short brown hair and likely caught the 20 to social security from where for whatever reason she walked towards bridge and caught up with me near river bench - I told her I would report her. she continued firing at me after I left - look at me near courthouse.. pretending friendly near bridge bench saying I will report you - have a nice day the scum was inspecting the citrus I was eating while sitting there and calculating if that can be incorporated into her list of putdowns community persecution scam style. grey minivan pulled into valeros wanting to know if I wanted to drink or eat? there is only problem - America absolutely could care less how it damages your life whatever and will calculate every scam in town to achieve this just like all is reasonable - a reasonable murder ter act by means of community persecution crimes and scams. I don't doubt that professional terrorists and criminals and gangbangers on board along with terrorist drivers and company tactics have supplied bus company like all other places with long list of hate preference lists. dollar tree female w/long blond hair put some waste top of garbage than came back offering dollar - found a dollar? America puts no toll charge on crime it commits and believes some people should be targets at no cost. covering up for the female was assisting black male gooder who positioned self next to black dude attempting to peddle led lights. these folks believe they can target people and assist community persecution acts at no cost. I was also in lib where likely again i was target of same people. on top of illness I suffered a fever and accidently had to backtrack my hat that's  when I saw the dodge on 3rd st where w. truck made the vicious turn the night before leading me to believe it may well be same one. a dist. behind smaller car with 2 small circles for back lights was tailing dodge. the butte and America in general arrange successful persecution teams even if they are gang bangers thieves and drug aDDICTS OR VARIOUS SOCIAL WORKERS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT WHO ALL GET PAID and trained for fabricated persecution terrorist efforts from birth on. trained to organize fabrication the dirt is busy scamming as just charitable with escorts to protect their undisclosed non stop stake out persecution efforts. American gvt stands by smiles and finds everything as it should be looking to cash in on the act itself as America kills lives at no cost. in this case America forces many miles cross town person comatose with bad foot problems for nothing and in return it has totally worthless malicious persecution ter scams designed to protect not you but community aided crime and more assisted social and political acts targeted and calculated to demolish you. while the charities services and law enf and gvt steal moneys the person's life is being tortured beyond recognition and buried prematurely way before time the terrorist American way. for whatever scam reason whichever cashier at shell always says hi likely assisting some other scam. also inside  raleys several times I was paid before my tickets were run through scanner making that also seem rather suspicious.

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