Wednesday, December 3, 2014

persecuting thieves- other than kindness

the day before yest several signaling vehicles across school and yest gray car screaming jesus loves you came up and down nelson all aiding ulterior criminal and malicious American terrorist system supported motives. do not get any ideas these persecution scams are here to help you. they are here to persecute you with absolutely worthless poison persecution and insults and life demolition while stealing everything in their might with the aid and support of murderous terrorizing community. the day before yest female by library tried to assure e some lady cooks meals people want to eat. unfortunately I am extremely familiar with American ter scams. I've eaten virtually any place they feed and I am certain the scoundrel being referred to feeds the lowest grade poison, rations waste to her own insulting satisfaction and pockets steals tons of money and best goods to self and own 2- faced cronies. typically a ton of time needs be wasted to eat worthless refuse to be insulted persecuted in return. but the money is very much there - only stolen by do gooders. the community is extremely dangerous place where I get persecuted by gangs homeless criminals an gooding thieves who are theft oriented persecution artists in return for donations and the better than thou terrorizing trash participating in directly demolishing my life as assisted by businesses gooders agencies law enforcement community groups and gangs. hardly alive I must track through dangerous spots and areas during dangerous times for nothing and my next breath may not come because America drained it patting itself on its back where no one is responsible. no payments from populace, MH, child services nor gvt which more than doubled school loans which should have been long since dismissed many times over. American justice system supports theft and fraud for its own gain via any  scam or obstruction of justice where the helpless typically never have adequate not just supposed representation or none to stand their cause. stolen and murdered at no cost my life its moneys its belongings my health and my last breath - the thief the conspired terrorizing gangbanging ter states of America which never pays and agst whom no one stands. $99999999999999....................... gazillion dollars sought vs ter states of America for its 40 yrs of ter acts to my life to pay for my lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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