Saturday, January 31, 2015

america insists crime and insults are "lovely"

dark blue pastel car wave on 3rd turn nelson to county drive. someone planted almost full beer by river bench and tossed up yel. plastic bag with lock inside maybe taken out by burglar. glue ter female sat on bench and waved at me when I was leaving as per assigned glue. by raleys post office caretaker with 2 bigger kids claimed she had $2 for me which I instructed her to give to retard. she called this rude but I would call the ter org she works for rude for stealing my feet and ground beneath them that's who's rude - America is. raleys cashier female played lovey dovey. harassing bleached lng hair fe. passing lib. on Mitchell as I was leaving. male harasser on bike passing Lincoln  at Mitchell near library. he smarted off -claiming I dropped $100 bill.myers near Montgomery bl. man said - hello ma'am. w. trk from civic aud.  lot said hello. montg. was filled with vedhicles near vet. bldg. due to alleged dance for kids. 2 gang type males one in black the other in light color top passed on bridge together and made no comment this one time. truck on bridge toward grand made some vocal sound. woody plants which cut hands badly were planted left inner gas trash on that side when facing Valero's store. America chases you from buses evry place you can collect or turn in cans then plants few worthless cans by recycler and considers itself a gooder after stealing everything yours along with your life. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999999........................................ gazillion dollars sought vs US for its 40 years of ter acts to enjoy my lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Friday, January 30, 2015

coordinated informed gang activity

car formerly referred to greish/ blue I would best describe as dark blue pastel color waver 8-9th blk of nelson to harass me. 259 table mountain middle age dude standing near green truck with metal line through it started disputing with me which way my thumb was turned aND WHICH WAY it ought to be turned then was pissed off I wrote address which in reality I wrote many times as that is where I was frequently targeted by various persons at the location. next to it was light pastel grayish color truck with dark red lid covering. the dude then said get off the property call the police and that he just said hello which is exactly not right - repeatedly I get targeting w/o provocation by many varfied persons at location who may well be one of pers squadrons like 705 nelson. as I was walking out of alliance gas - female getting gas there took opportunity to hassle me on someone's behalf - have a nice day!- she said. multiple 1 gray 1 greyish cars and others made some voices some fingers and young adult pedestrians some screaming remarks I failed to catch occurred on Montgomery near table mtn and on table mountain near same area and one of the voices from vehicle on side of table mountain was clearly recognizable as culprits and teens are probably system vs people linked MH terrorists also occasionally riding buses I was forced to quit riding due to bus company bus driver support for the organized persecution ter acts targeting me supported by amer law enf and amer gvt who will not do anything to punish them and support their malicious false presentation and abuse and targeting. some susp. party new to  using computer thought wrongly lib was open to 6p Thursday. a party at shell was sitting outside eyeing my every blink for no reason to help the ter squad arrange trouble they have arranged in many places in many difft wAys aimed at pers and not minding own business. hooker and barking scoundrel were targeting me on bikes near civic aud.*** dude barked and when I called them bangers the hooker said suck my pussy as the barker told bangers I am dude to terrorize me. male/fem. duo on bikes towards bridge likely homeless male repeated female shooter's remark where the red head long hair female who asked her driver to give her the gun to shoot me around easter last yr at my driveway later on a while later when I ran into her inside difft veh on grand said "oh here you are." same was repeated by prob. homeless dude going towards bridge walk with companion female I believe although this is hard to notice when objects move fast and at night.************ whistle was heard from back of 2nd apt. complex down nelson from mtable mtn. screeching white minivan was cruising nelson between table and home depot.  by chevron shiny black car police style distinctly paused same as veh paused in feb of last yr on 2/22 to shoot paint balls at me which hit elbow area on my coat. however I believe car was followed by escort and may be related to other gang banging vehicles. $$$$999999999999............................. gazillion dollars sought vs the US for its organized parsec ter acts as result of which I can collect cans no where not ride bus and not able to turn them in losing food money livelihood and access as the law enf an fed sympathize with organized crime toward me - the victim -nasty country and low people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

law enf aided amer pers dictatorship extermination

bluish/grey single color type car wave the tur to gold coast road - false malicious befriending for pers provocation at no cost. "system vs. people type" male walk by nelson dumpster for purpose of not minding own business and assisted dictatorship. front of post office hnear raleys male attempted to give $5 saying he has much more money than me - part of dictatorship team and the money went right back to him where he really wanted it. loud whistle from zoo restaurant followed by speedy turm by truck with clamped cover to high street. black suv beep as it turn from Montgomery near clock to myers. assigned pers female riding out from behind vet's bldg. on bike -glue terrorist- how y. doing? have a nice night! oh, have a bad night then! followed by ter squad silent male and maybe 2 others. valeros assigned pers tried to give me a water and 1-2 dlrs. whistle side of nelson/table mountain apts behind church where the criminal gang fakes lovey/dovey.*** white truck w/clamped upon suv/type cover driving on 3rd past chevron towards nelson - v1) supposed female screamed get out of garbage can! v2) young male child age screamed BITCH! likely related to organized community/gang persecution which drove me out of every place. within previous yr I've seen drugs pushed around chevron various times freqtly arnd holidays my opinion. also I believe this related to dark suv out to give me ride "home" where male made some remark which included word bitch.*** not be fooled by insult false gooding and lovey/dovey heat off remarks. these ar4e dangerous gangs well aware of their pers crimes and assisting their perpetration also directly aided by amer law enf and false gooding charitable thieves who steal all money for selves while targeting victims for prey. as result of amer terrorists for no reason I have no place and no where to access any money while their buddies have no problem neither with that nor their crimes while amer terrorists aiding my persecution enjoy law enforcement assistance and push more persecution like none ever where with no intent whatever to pay on crime but instead to persecute for malicious scam completely worthless insults via insult spit poison theft persecution law enf aided gvt aided amer pers machine looking to power crime towards you as they fully protect conspired pers community criminals and leave you no contact info or self id info. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999999999999999999999.................................. gazillion dollars sought vs ter states of amer for 40 yrs and counting of non stop ter pers acts to my life. remember Collins market and alex power pers team with questions, counting, food stamp pushing as the team pushed me out of buses and every place I can get or turn in cans leaving me tortured for nothing and without pay while posing as helpfuls with years expired opened and poisoned insults and persecution while putting my life in danger and pers at every step these terrorists are aided by community church and and law enf establishment who assist their crimes while organizing crime to my life with blessings from ter persecution community and charitable thieves which cook up poison and assist pers acts to keep huge moneys glued in owed pockets. extremely relevant here is fact that reasons are absolutely not needed but rather only a very convenient and accessible target as is very popular in amer establishment who keeps nuts retards and addicts out but persecutes extermination targets with big time aid from gvt and law enf who get reimbursed for their true effort in conspired crime vs targets. persecution and crime walks in America as targets lives are exterminated. party seeks rthe gazillions vs the US for murdering her entire life to be used for her lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***alert update the above is from yest and below is excerpt from today which caused me to add an alert - multiple vehicles and pedestrians seemingly close in age to what I would call young adults made alarming coordinated signaling screaming activities hard to catch or duplicate. this occurred around 3 pm thurs near table mountain and Montgomery and among them were grayish color cars and possible other vehicles  however I am certain at least one of the vehicles contained an extremely dangerous culprit who is part of dangerous premeditated targeted gang activity. they have access to vehicles groups and buddies and gangsters and criminals and their crimes might be purposed for tonight or any moment while the amer made police are targeting me for them instead. money sought vs united states and its organized assisted persecution ter rings.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

provocation plants - amer terrorism

children by school - can we help you scam fraud. the hounding child suggests to them some fraud alleging I have something to do with cdrystal meth. white truck going past home depot towards higher numerology. I believe someone yelled something. light beige truck at Montgomery and myers badly expired food persecution insults were planted. at recycler numerous customers smoking in my face as recycler hisself feels happy about my suffering w/o sign. inside raley's assigned harasser who works shell sometimes raleys came out to provoke terrorize me - another dangerous plant conniving scam against me. I was forced to seek manager to complain but this will not stop this assigned pers hoodlum at shell or library. this does not preclude that my assigned persecution plant has any intentions to leave me alone part of Americas persecution terrorist exemption committee. opened up and likely poisoned choc. milk planted in tower where the persecution crew plants refuse. valeros pers team was offering some low grade food refuse to spit insult into my face and to help amer ter acts ride free. the light beige truck was also there at the time. shiny beeping red car turning fron grand to table mountain towards nelson. children from table mountain nelson bldg. behind malicious pers screaming fake "love you." at fogg and nelson someone painted heart under bus stop tent. I was walking past that stop when the truck scoundrel hounded me monday before last. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999999...................................... gazillion dollars sought vs US for its ter acts to my life 40 yrs worth. the proceeds are earmarked for enjoyment of my sweet lovely life over in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loud dogs were heard around 11th block nelson and I am just concerned that these dogs are contained within their yards and do not come out to attack me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

conspiracy cells - american terrorism

nelson dumpster seemed to have paint spread around by someone likely from the day before. small red car drive by allianace and I heard what  sounded like black man's voice "love you." Arizona grape cpntainer was inside valeros bus trash. myers toilet was shitted on floor unknown if by dog or crazy person. on robinson side of toilet were what I believe to be several male bangers. I was trying to walk around car in my way at taco bell exit when he pulled out yelling dmv. female of ter persecution team at tower gas fill upcame by to insult me w/$1 and said she was offering $1 as she did not have a can to spit a nickel in my face instead to recover which I have to torture myself to death after local community including the witch chased me off the bus and virtually every last place where I can obtain or turn in bottles. female terrorist plate is disapbled dp N1633. I heard a voice presumably directed at me at the alliance gas yell- no! by witch part of pers campaign. I walked up to find out what the problem was and the witch acted convinced that I am the one puts my garbage inside her trash. I dig for cans in there but the paranoid scoundrel part of pers team believes as I have bags they contain trash for her trash can. on 2nd street 2 males walking up to nelson and one said to other - "let's kill her." across school there are persons directly associated to child who hounded me in summer time who se kids threatened me the day the hounding kid bothered me - their gig is to say I am yelling and digging out of garbage can to pass own ter acts and malicious provocation
for sanity. amer  wants me to live off a nickel's worth penniless and w/o resources. their alleged gooders job is to make amer crime stick and the millions and yearly donations kept for selves and in own pocket while crime to my life slides at no cost assisted by sheriff dept. there is greatly non sufficient toilets for my life style. I use every one I see available who does not push me out. and there are persons out there purposely creating messes and persons intentionally pointing fingers wrong way as part of amer conspiracy. however public toilets are grossly non sufficient for non customers/non drivers and I am nearly blind with virtually no place to hide so America will figure out a way for me to die. why fund the toilets? the one on myers I believe they purposely lock during events either to chase out undesired people or as is popular invented claim - avoid liability, when in fact they are simply aiding the local conspiracy orgs and thieves. amer steals gazillions but for their do gooding out of stolen they have spit scum refuse insults poison persecution - the true amer way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999999999.............................................. gazillion dollars sought for my lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P.S. likewise yesterday afternoon at home an intruder tress passed on unusually large bicycle. he is alleged to be Mexican in origin. the party inside answered the door and when he asked for john , he asked john who - to which intruder allegedly quipped john cruz.

Monday, January 26, 2015

conspiracy and gangbangers and amer. way

2 children walk up to area near river bench and both attempt climb uphill via the 2 difft climbing paths, the 2 paths were used a week ago by dude with Arizona drink and the jumping companion/co-gangbanger. likewise the day before there was big mess by trash basket made out of half its fill. the child who went up half way the most popular climbing path came down yelling "gross." then a female maybe their mom or caretaker came up walkway as the dad came climbing down as gross yelling child announced - "daddy, do not step into the shit there is shit up there." younger white fem. sunday librarian gave me ubwarranted dirty looks at closing. by big lots male in blue jacket and bleached long hair female were coming in as the male announced - "how you doing ma'am spare any change?" heard screaming on orodam near shell. white truck beeped passing by liquor store on olive highway just past orodam. male in light colored hoodie past me up along bridge and I discovered him while checking river bench trash can. I left into walkway which leads betw. bridge and grand when I heard male scream from above - wanna s.m.d.? I was passing gold coast road on even side of nelson whe n I felt and heard under my feet a large maybe 2 feet long presumably rusted metal piece. I pushed it to side of road with my foot. this reminded me that at this location shortly after burglary in our home on 6/6/2013 there was a cardboard box like numerous ones I have and it was being held down by a rock resembling ones we had on the property.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

persecution/theft/menace at no cost

bottle was outside of large dumpster on nelson. female came out to 2nd dumpster in nelson apts. lately I've been noticing refuse with a/wift in baggies of something that seems to have the smell of pot when you glance at it. this happened yest. morning and on another weekend also.the clear baggies were inside black garbage bag. drk grn car pull out chevron. drk red suv pull out of flying cloud screaming turning table mountain towards grand. w. suv past flying cloud to county drive called me crazy for crossing to get street name. white minivan hi! table mountain turn grand. some person olikely w/some calculated spit pittance insult tried to call me over by dollar tree. person carrying items tucked into garbage bags keeps saying hi by dollar tree and by transit today.across from zoo rest in church alley person saying - hi! in afternoon and there is also screaming there when its dark. black car grand turn table inner lane open door an black "female" burp type sound was heard..dark suv an nelson approached me with female saying - would you like a ride "home." then male driver likely mouthed off calling me bitch in his remark I failed to catch. suv turn on 6th in dir. of grand. of$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999999999999............................................. gazillion dollars sought vs ter states of amer for its 40 yrs of ter cats to my life for my lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

ongoing conspiracy in progress

beige truck turn  nelson  after beep table mountain. someone planted wallet id inside alliance garbage. gray suv with at least 2 inside planted few cans valeros. female decided to retrieve virtually totally nonexistent cans downtown Oroville. I have no ideas what her scam might be. female with bike near veterans bldg. proposes apple - you can really believe that - charitable thieves. bike Montgomery turn table. person on cell into bridge walk " stop s. dk etc.. 2 more headed same valeros "supposed" black female - "are you a man, what's up?" she went back towards suv near yellow valeros sign which was located on inner side of fill up. suv drove by valeros store then exited to table mountain behind red car. corner nelson apt bldg. involved in parsec. campaign black female voice said - hi, bag lady!!!!!!!!!!!! I fear criminals may be planning new criminal acts as they believe they will not get caught. even when they can be caught there are endless amer excuses to keep them loose and to keep me persecuted.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

glue dictatorship community

children who are part of conspiracy/brainwash operation approached me near nelson dumpster and one of them attempted to glue to me - how you doing, fine? another one started running and another one looked back just as if I was prone to follow them. very likely numerous of them participated in bothering me in various ways in past. between 4th and 3rd on nelson the perpetually terrorizing assigned scoundrel last bothering me over the weekend with his grape Arizona drink by river bench decided to bother me some more. he repeatedly called me funky ass bitch, told me I have funky ass hair on my chin and that I should climb into a hole and kill myself. white truck open in back yelp by nelson dumpster. by 259 table mountain - how are you doing? lAdy with doggy got cans by valeros store entrance. law enf suv passed grand on table mountain and about that same time I heard what sounded like dillinger bark twice. by its home the truck was there but dog was not barking. by chin. restaurant stakeout suv part of persecution team proposed orange or Gatorade? at raleys - assigned glue "friend" from shell announced he works there also. likely either criminal or retard for which the employer gets reimbursed part of the money. truck voice over resembling dude with dodge sound turned into grand from table mountain. by robinson and myers there was law enf vehicle again I feel likely trying to attach fault to me for his better friends. regardless the incident you will find the amer law enf. assisting the evil and crime against me. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999.............................. gazillion dollars sought vs ter states of amer for its 40 yrs of ter acts to my life and its persecution glue dictatorship oppression exile theft and murder at the price of my life so that I can spend the money on a lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

america is "nice" - but reality proves different

dodge passed by nelson dumpster and I heard him say "fuck." at alliance dark blue suv tried to offer me bottle for recycling. suv left about same time as 4 door chevy pickup near alliance store. woman at valeros offered me "a can." tobacco was planted deep inside coffe cup at valeros store entrance - likely for poisoning. across from zoo restaurant on myers black man said - how you doing? then went into alley by church. guy form sheel when I was outside by library announced - i'm your friend if you like it or not. by raleys ost office pair of homeless with dogs were sitting and the male partner was  ridiculing me and sympathizing with way things are in America. the asshole tried to make fool of me and sympathized with those who "pay bills." the reality is America succeded wasting my life into toilet just like it never were and exactly like "as if" it belonged that way. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999.......................................... gazillion dollars sought vs terrorist states of America for 40 yrs of ter acts to my life to enjoy my lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

long conspired gang attack - community menace

this license plate was taken sat oct. 2, 2014 - 7B4820. this was not time of orig. attack rather this was when the attacking truck was in front of me in daylight and stationary enough for me  to walk into  table mountain to get his plate near county drive and table mountain - this was white dodge truck.*************** red truck beige across bottom passed across table mountain via gran toward grand bridge screaming. about 4 dudes walking up bridge walk one of whom decided to make vocal mocking effects - as I was reaching for a can which was lodged within the grass - "what are you doing there? that's my can. robinson and myers suv approached me with questions. she then parked her vehicle and approached me in person asking about alleged shiny black purse someone stole from her daughter's store w/id and social security and whether I have seen it - just because I look for cans. police drove by as if in their mind i'm responsible for conversation. mitchell - assigned squad pers. artist said - how you doing - fine? then he turned in dir. of raleys. at twr white van tried to give me a can - oh you do not want it?our dodge driver and or his close cast was in 3rd white truck this one being a 4 door white truck. remember the w. 4 door white truck near sheriff's resembled a truck that liked to break my ear drums with its siren when near me. I do not know how many difft people drive it and also there are many such trucks although probably not all have such sirens. i imagine start of attack was 9-10 pm.the notes I have say the 4-door w. truck turned to fogg on nelson screaming fuck you bitch!!! he came back on nelson from side of home depot direction and threw some small metal object in my direction. came back on nelson again screaming - fuck you again and for the 2nd time threw something metal. the truck pulled into street right before county drive and then pulled back out of it again. he came following again by nelson apts throwing the object which landed on the sidewalk lawn next to house adjacent to nelson apts. then coming back again and this time throwing what sounded like glass object which landed on lawn between 2 entryways into nelson apts. I asked someone at nelson apts to call 911. I have screamed for 911 when there was no people outside and when I spotted someone outside I also asked them to cal 911. multiple sheriffs showed but the interview showed they badly tried to make me into either nut case or drunk or drug addict. I absolutely never drank nor did drugs in my life time. they collected my info and they left the guy on the loose. he came back throwing something that landed into bushes near 895 nelson. and after that came back again and threw something in the direct. of  house 10th block of nelson which helped me call the sheriffs on one occasion where I had to scream for help twice again. I believe the entire community and sheriff focus is on causing damage to me and I believe the truck is loose to abuse me and uncharged. the sheriffs said they "will ask him not to do that." they said this before he did this 2 more times and probably targeting me again. $$$$$$$$$$$999999999999999999............................. gazillion dollars sought vs ter states of amer for ter acts to my life to be used for a lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2015

america believes targeting is fun

around 11th and nelson some voiceover yelp car and a beeping vehicle pass by. white truck w/suv type cover waving between school  and nelson apts. beige truck making eh!!!!!!!!!! voice sound effect turning table mountain to mono. guy on low rider passing nelson church. 2 black girls on bikes were approaching grand as their minds were directly on everything they've collected about me.  how y. dng?and a couple cans offered from inside truck at valeros as heavy gasoline smell was dispersed directly into me from where the truck supposedly collecting gasoline. 2 males from 3 person targeting squad were coming downhill towards brifge bench and the dude assigned to making the terrorizing remarks said - what's up punk stick? when he finally came down he very deliberately poured his large Arizona grape drink over me and everything mine. guy on low rider bike was going up bridge while playing recorded restaurant corner of table mtn and Montgomery female I dark suv asked if its ok to walk on green portion of bridge - i'm not from here she said. if you believe her. to the side of chin rest. in raleys lot an addict was pproaching screaming nonsense in umknown direction and something about vicodin. trio walking by transit had saved up a can to target me with. mom w/screaming kids was apparently targeting various vehicles about persons believing prosecutor ramsey. god bless duo was seated between am/pm and liquor store. w.suv/minivan pulled out of am/pm arco to olive hwy. I heard yelling episodes near denny's and in the direction of library. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999999............................. gazillion dollars sought vs terrorist states of America for 40 yrs of ter acts to my life to be used for a lovely care free life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

orchestrated oppression dictatorship persecution

persecution - large guy in greencolor shirt same color as I see used by sheriff's dept workers was riding chil size bike along county drive to help team gang spit into my face. he claimed he came down the freeway from paradise where he collected the few cans and do not you want them? a malicious lie persecution scam. moreover he said the small bike made it difficult to hold the few aluminum cans -a likely story. 259 table mountain - I believe some guy w/truck cracked a joke about a date. by chin. rest. female asked - what are you looking for- something to eat? dude staking out by dollar tree pushing glue conversation and bologna. transit - how you doing, not talking - rude! suv passing myers on Montgomery towards table mountain used sound effects at 7:11 pm. down bridge female not minding business probably also affiliated to church - why are you walking slowly ?- you should be walking fast down bridge! up bridge male on bike - how you doing? split team of rattling boys between valeros and soc security causing me to be on my alert. m/f  pair cross table mountain near church probably party to long gang of persecuting terrorists. America is convinced I should torture myself be persecuted and live off of nothing and poison - a genuinely lovely place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999999999..................................... gazillion dollars sought vs ter states of amer expedited for its 40 yrs of ter acts to my life to be used for my lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

conspiracy persecution org. hiding scam continues

dodge pass by nelson apts dumpster yelling - f.. you. the  verbiage made me believe he also drives another white truck on occasion. w. truck beep at 4th turn nelson. ?yell on 3rd turn nelson. light grey and dk green truck were at 259 table mountain - how you doing? can I take you on a ride? red suv grey lower panel nelson turn table mountain uses sound effects. valeros - mail woman offering granola bars - you do not want granola bars? she left them an top of trash and shortly some vehicle snagged them. the alleged sheriff and large gray pickup were having a casual conversation of some sort. maroon suv pulled into some business on Montgomery to offer "money" insults then pulled out to avoid being plated and went in direction past myers I believe. black male walked past tower in dir of orodam had bitch in his verbiage. w car followed me around taco bell lot as I was walking on olive hwy and I believe that person was saying something about weed which I have no connection to and constantly must run from around this area. male on bike by church at table and nelson screamed at me by assignment as he passed by. he had a blue light in the wheel I believe. behind male and female were walking. white suv/minivan with male/female screaming pulled front of chevron store and left without going inside.

Friday, January 16, 2015

false friends - insults assisted persecution

 white car black male along nelson offering muffin. chevron - here , can. just trying to help. man- want some food?  male along third - how is it going? white truck beep on table mountain betwwen county drive and nelson.dark blue car in social security out- money insult guaranteed. another vehicle with passenger lunches from her heart for me and one other guy. red car through grand at table mountain someone stuck selves way out of window yelling something I could not make out.  bridge 2 females church of jesus Christ one badly needed my name. persecution squad white truck raleys lot - god bless chin. rest Oroville ford vehicle with left over Chinese food. shell - cashiers participate in organized persecution. change planted Montgomery myers bench. likewise there was cheese inside gasoline at chevron and some chicken planted at shell. I do my best not to take anything by reason of reckless malicious organized and assisted persecution for which amer ter  do not pay as they assist murder against my life. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$999999999999999999999999999999........................................................ gazillion dollars sought against ter states of amer for 40 yrs of ter acts to my life for my lovely life in RF expedited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

persecution by arrangement - free conspired evil

green suv beige on bottom on nelson turn 12th wave. suv at valeros pushing snack lunches. heavy weight from planted bottles wiping out my head and brain. the day bef yest there was heavy spray by church table/nelson on my way back. going into bridge male light gray hooded shirt blue jeans cell formerly with another male and female by valeros calling me gross this time said something that sounded - you're going to get the f... out of here. pers serv - I've been there before  you'll get there on time if you keep pushing. bank guy alleged from shell assigned to hi harass me said hi outside library. at bank repeat pers. location female instructed me to be safe same as alleged sheriff near county drive with dogs Dillinger and daisy who told me to have a safe day when they are part of gang to chase me out of the remains of my life.  she used oleft atm 18:04p and was picked up by white suv/minivan. in dlr tree lot male alleged he had $3 to his name and willing to give $2 - that is just to make major amer crime murder and theft to life - no problem. he assured me he was not suspect and was out to prove this. alleged peanut butter sandwiches dist by Christian faith center on my way back near Montgomery and myers. white undercover law enf car pass by bridge shining light at me and not at those who are bullies criminals and pers agents. such as possible suspect on bike. beep same location car coming off bridge towards grand. guy who I believe is tom probably w/drink problem told me something about cans at 7-11 where I do not go sice the local conspiracy team had worker tell me off. black individual exited on nelson via school byway probably from grand direction. opinion - local community has gull to steal bully persecute dictator and conspire against human life at no cost for ter amer acts.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

alleged law enf terrorists and amer murderers

small garay car a little nsimilar to station wagon beeped 8th to 9th block of nelson. gray mini van beeped orangewood and table mountain. on the same corner there house nearest county drive has 2 dogs big pitbull and small doggie allegedly named dillanger and daisy. one of vehicles with extra loud horn white truck is parked there. the dude there claims he and his relatives are deputy sheriffs and that just anyone can have the loud horn which is for safety. valeros black car offered change. I think it is same car which picked up somebody at allianece from light colored vehicle down bridge bike - how you doing - got quite a load like me -no similarity here though its assigned harassment. scandalous likely ret. at recycler female claimed some "truck"  dumped few cans. likely retard services female waved from car near raleys. in library with many computers available female sat next to me very likely for assigned intimidation tactic. also there was similar white truck by food van by am/pm. assuming the siren belongs to law enf,  law enf are extremely likely assisting terrorizing persecution campaign and not at all my safety. likely the terrorists have the gull to maliciously terrortize with oranges glass or anything which might get in my way. someone planted a ton of glass they know I cannot move inside my gate and just moving it few steps gave me likely an aggravated hernia. they like to torture you to death knowing you cannot turn this in having to walk many miles to turn in nothing. these are calculated death squad who is located closer to recycler and have delivery system but instead of turning it in they maliciously torture me with problems which drive me to my death - what America is all about. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999999999999999999999....................................... gazillion dollars expedited sought vs ter states of amer for my lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

american "food"- to dictator to persecute and to kill

dark green truck with metal line across on table mountain betw county dr and nelson displaying something with fingers from passenger seat. probably same truck on table mountain between nelson and grand beep. red car going behind valeros lot - hello. 2 female retard services hi squad at nelson and grand. red suv beige at bottom beep going through grand on table mountain. persecution trained youth  hi! on bike on Montgomery passing through olive. dark red lousy suv signal turning from Wilcox to myers. at transit month old bread full of mold was planted by charities.  myers and Mitchell long hair pers assignment male- how you doing? shell - "charity" persecution push can, then another charity pers tried push burrito. burger king fast food poison was planted at trash at Montgomery and myers. valeros had planted malicious pers junk trash food AS VARIOUS INVOLVED terrorists were likely in observation of gvt supported persecution dictatorship murder efforts. America is not here to neither feed nor care America is here to keep you tortured completely penniless off of the bus unable to access recycling or turn it in without decent job and with levies to further kill your life and poisoned by mold fast food persecution drug lobby hard core drugs physical hidden poison and supported by police persecution and amer gvt all at your own expense from everything you had to earn at 1/2 cent an hour while tortured poisoned deprived and in streets. $$$$$$$$$$$$$999999999999999999999999....................... gazillion dollars expedited sought vs US for its 40 yrs of ter acts to my life for my lovely and joyful life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

threats insult gooders - same team

beige pickup near juv hall - here $1 four door large white pickup followed from county drive to table mountain. female walking through bridge walk waving. gray car towards table mountain to Montgomery beep twice white car waving same area on Montgomery near auto club towards table mountain. shell red car - pretty hungry? another blue car bang empty plastic bottle. that's the spit they believe I should live from. female walking up bridge messaging on cell. gang banger past grand towards nelson on table mountain in seemingly gray car it was dark screaming - i'm going to get you! another shortly turning in car from table mtn to grand with gang voice over. on nelson green truck pull over and behind it black car pull over between table mountain and home depot. they are here to steal and to demolish life like they very successfully already have - team dictatorship ter persecution to run your life under false worthless spit would be charitable pretenses except they steal gazillions then they pretend to supply something worthless plus persecution on top of demolition like nothing has happened and they intend to run and kill your life  be not you fooled re American dirt aided by amer agencies plus law enforcement. nasty country and low people. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$999999999999999999999...................................... gazillion dollars expedited sought vs ter states of amer for murdering my life so I can use the money for a lovely sweet and restful life in RF with no worries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

organized police asssited amer ter act

as I walk into bank scoundrel waiting there for me to arrive - here likely $1 insult then at exit dark red familiar pers car was waiting outside - America has not fooled me - I can add the numbers it cost me and my life and they have not a farction of drop in the bucket to offer against it.  beeping horn dark gray truck turn from orodam to myers. fem. scoundrel on bike asking for cigarette in denny's lot. male betw from parked vehicle between robinson and bird persisted  in screaming for my attention. would you like $5? not be you fooled part of malicious pers insult in exchange from ultra grand rtotaling of a life via amer community ter dictatorship acts. gang banger large 4-dr white fancy looking pickup with fire dept ear blasting horn  beep twice as turn myers to Montgomeryas the clock on corner CLOCK READ 8:18P. they keep playing toilet closing games closing toilet at mont. and myers this sat night. criminal pers gang female on bike turn grand to table mountain bridge screaming take shower understand!!!!! bike on table mountain twds nelson possibly arranging other pers activities. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999999999999999................ GAZILLION DOLLARS EXPEDITED SOUGHT VS TER STATES OF AMER FOR ITS 40 YRS OF TER ACTS TO MY LIFE AT NO COST FOR MY SWEET LOVELY AND FREE LIFE IN RF AWAY FROM NON LIVABLE PERSECUTION TERRORIST AMER STATE RUN TERRIRTORY WHO ARE NOT DONE DEMOLISHING MY LIFE WHICH THEY MURDERED AND HAVE 0% INTENT TO PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AMER IS HERE WITH TERRORISTS AS INTENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

drug addicts social terrorists persecution control

705 nelson social terrorists using Obama for scam engagement. they are right close to house with 2 tall Cyprus trees who have ultra bright light at night for unknown reasons and also amer/Ukrainian flags and may be part of very long list of pers. terrorists in this town where almost everyone is participating or enhancing dictatorship terrorist.  child turning table to nelson on bike with gangbanging voice over happy to know gangsters have not been caught up with. neAr Chinese rest someone offered $5 I had to refuse due to community's terrorizing dictatorship efforts. can some pers artist placed on top of pizza trash near dollar tree I left behind due to pers efforts from community. a-1 plaza pair walking on opposite side of olive highway crossed over female drunken screaming and sounding threatening. they went through the plaza towards the back somewhere. someone possibly connected to drugs acted threatening and I had to scream out when homeless addict told me to keep quiet likely to protect his addiction habits when I had to protect my life from drug person to none of whom I have any connection when all drunks and those feeding addictions should be eliminated instead. then another party sounded threatening somewhere in near prox of Chinese restaurant inside raleys lot. car used siren near bird and myers and then at Montgomery and myers for unknown reasons. bike going through restaurant at tablew mountain and myers - how y. doing? car which looked a lot sim. to shtg car went to valeros  store but not for gas tall back lights white car. marijuana smoke was all over driveway entry to 2nd apt complex from corner of table mountain and nelson and at the other end of same apts was an addict going nuts off of an addiction. chevron had al trash containers empty and valeros had no cans just trash. I got distracted at nelson dumpsters in dark and with intervention causing me to probably misplace something.

Friday, January 9, 2015

ter states of amer proudly promotes persecution

7th and nelson beige mini van wave at me for purpose of terrorizing persecution llaiance red suv with metal line through mid body - want these cans re 2 cans ? I told him - no but ter acts of America moves on with governmental blessings it seems and at no cost. valeros - do you take plastic bottles? no. but the terrorists are not done regardless what you tell them or not they are party of America's malicious insult persecution terrorizing. passing selves as charitable these thieves persecution artists terrorists criminals and scum waltz up their persecution ter acts w/o business cards and without being sued. would you like some help ? $1 scum spit insults thieves actually look to steal all for selves and pers ter acts in support of amer smokers drug addicts thieves and pers artists and false charity. there is a bottle there behind bus stop - coming from pers team scoundrel in on ter pers terrorizing amer ter campaign. here - money insult scoundrel going to big lots. here- vehicle by dollar tree in hurry to hide its license plate because they are prof pers artists assisting community pro landreth pro publ counsel pro system vs people terrorizing ter campaigns and not me. olive hwy a-1 appliance plaza 2 on bikes one saying something nasty I didn't catch. these are conniving trash and thieves who get paid to camouflage and enhance amer ter acts. just before let's party store sneak up from behind ter male -0 do you got a lighter? dude by library I've been "there" before - are you hungry? on table mountain car went into soc sec lot then out and into hof brau lot where it was stationed for some prolonged time for unknown reasons. at allianace white car waited until black small car arrived and accepted a passenger from the white it seems. on nelson first apt bldg. had area smoked up and smokers passing through. then susp car seemingly went through 2nd apt complex driveway all the way towards grand. on opposite isde of nelson drug addict dealer whatever was mouthing off sounded like some sort of shot threats and when I caught up to the area single male on drugs tried playing stupid games re which way he was going. chevron had no cans and it was possibly late as dollar general lights went out same as alliance gas on way back. no more incidents but most waste was scooped out by pro scooper from nelson dumpsters. I do not know what he does with the trash except one time I sa whim sell an old fan to recycler and try to sell some cologne insult waste to me and had endless new stories why he needed all this badly.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

american terrorists point away from selves

conspired American terrorists point away from selves and over your way. the children from nelson school have orchestrated many ter acts and I would not at all be surprised that those acts stemmed in origin from their adult associates who train them to think and to act like criminals and assholes and to point the finger at their mutually targeted hated party. both small groups boy group and girl group stared back at me numerous times and the bigger white boy got the smaller one to jump and touch the sign for whatever connived reason which would keep them located just where I was at. the purpose is outside of safety. rather it is the amer ter glue way to glue their own and many ter acts your way and away from selves for which amer provided them training since they were fetched to life. at tall apt bldg. by silver screen bldg. member(s) of ter persecution act were situated and the dude said - how you doing, fine? - looks like you're doing fine. waiting to check out of recycler police drove by my bags but not to protect me or those. the police thinking is much on level of the persecution terrorists they purpose to conspire to aid appearing and seeming reasonable when anything but. rather it is extremely convenient to be friends with terrorists who turn victims into targets - in fact in amer this really pays as alleged plausible activity. at raley exit someone planted glue bottle outside of trash to aid community persecution terrorizing tactic which keeps me from making even minute amount of money while passing selves as concerned and upstanding citizens while in fact sadly they are the amer ter trash. shell car - here $1 - oh, you do not want it. chevron planted few insult bottles in empty waste container to justify malicious persecution worth nothing. by 12th and nelson traveling vehicle discussing me not riding bus because of terrorizing community - big mistake, terrorizing community, bus drivers, bus company, businesses  and law enforcement and politicians who make self popularity from aiding community crime. the male told the female in the brief moment I overheard the conversation - the only way she needs help is if she's mentally ill - a convenient way to steer away from amer terrorizing tactics the amer system assists. you will not die in amer hungry thanks to ter amer thieves. instead you will be inside coffin persecuted an poisoned and murdered by "innocent" amer ter acts which happily point the finger your way and conveniently call you mentally ill. - now that really upgrades amer terrorists to ranking of fine civilized  society scum - which is exactly who they are the dirt the conniver the terrorist and the the killer who kill at no cost the amer wAy. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$999999999999999999999999999...................................................... gazillion dollars expedited sought vs ter states of amer for its 40 yrs of ter acts to my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sought for my lovely sweet life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

not cans change spit scum or poison- $$$999....- gazilion dollars sought...............

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999999999............................................ gazillion dollars sought vs ter states of amer for its 40 yrs of ter acts to my life for my lovely sweet life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 persons walking together down bridge. older brunette female Montgomery and myers - you look like you got your hands full -would you like $2. myers and robinsong - scoundrel male on stake out - would you like this - re empty plastic bottle? thereafter he insisted placing it inside trash can where I look for cans America cut down my life to. then he wAlked to Approx silver screen business on myers. at shell male in fancy looking small car was staking out with persec insults - god bless you/would you like $5 - oh you don't want it? valeros - small red car escorted there by another vehic had bag of garbage w/few cans. would you like these? then it insisted on placing them inside garbage for purpose of glue persecution and forced glue collection of malicious insult amts and to help the American extortion displacement endless theft persecution murder crime glue beautifully AT no cost. America's god blesses but pro thieves and terrorists who feed the likes of amer system and leave me penniless helpless tortured and murdered no mistaking by faking selves as fine gooders and amer and its god as fine as they total murder to nothing my life just like it were a nothing.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

persecution dictate keep helpless

scoundrel part of pers team offered change at chevron. by courthouse bus stop team who chased me off bus was enjoying the riddance. DIRT WHOM I don't know at all but who are jointly focused on me to chase me away p-lay dirty games. a witch who was the other day sending me to eat at hope center and male I neither know nor have anything to do with announced - how you doing, have not seen you a long time. beige truck passing miner's alley on Montgomery falsely claimed i'm smiling. car plated tbagley at Montgomery and myers offered some insult supply myers and robinson scoundrel persisted - do you smoke cigs? another terrorist approach at same location - how you doing - are you doing all right??? tower - do you want any money - compl. worthless insult $2 I did not take of course. dictatorship scoundrel managed to be on spot at taco bell telling me I should lock the door when I stepped in to use toilet for half sec. planted in trash by jew. store at myers/bird retard services cheap poison class cold choc drink. pers ter planted poison Chinese food at shell. planted insult change at chevron. susp car moving past myers on Montgomery using fingers and some nasty remark I failed to catch. 2 sep people walking up and 2 walking down bridge area for unknown reasons. these are persecution poison services there to make sure I am penniless helpless dead and trapped - that is their assigned murderous favor which assists gangs and community terrorist dictators in on gang terrorizing your life and means into the grave at absolutely no cost.  

Monday, January 5, 2015

paid malicious persecution at no cost-american crimes

at chevron suv - hello trying to harass me at no cost as instructed. lib trash -pers artists who all know I do not smoke offering - 2 more? these terrorists all believe I should live off of 2 cents and the n be burglarized by amer gvt to boot to help crimes of the usa ter system.  nelson betw table mtn and home depot susp party on bike in black and also mid age female walking covering for those her kind. they plant worthless amts of cans to spit into my face and get paid for stealing and persecution.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999999 gazillion dollars sought vs usa for its 40 yrs of ter acts agst my life for my sweet lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way landreth who paid to frame me likely done something wrong as my student loans are still here and amer gvt is prof opportunist thief profiteering from my forced move over 5 yrs homelessness and loss of property belongings and disability income!!!!!!!!!!!!!! amer rules shamelessly pad its own crimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

poison - broken leaded pencil cooked inside of vegetables

the charitable folks donating vegs are same people who had poison inside bread and within past few weeks along with dangerous cutting materials lodged pencil into my vegs so good I did not see it when chopping them up eating big pile of lead poisoning when it cooked inside vegs unnoticed other than for heavy unrealistic taste until located while eating certain portion. now then I must live with effects of something hard to catch and which I did not see even while chopping everything to small edible pieces.

america full of drugs part-of pencil full of lead discovered in cooked vegs

I was checking for cans in trash can nnear bench at bridge entry when was approached by youthful blonde who wanted to know if i had marijuana and if I would smoke it with her? male sent walking twds me in bridge - can I help you would you like couple dollars repeated times over. white suv turn on Montgomery 'uhhhhh................. dark green truck with metal line through mid body drugged passenger waving dropped off and truck came back driver only near Montgomery and myers with small dog white beige yellow colors. the would be charitable person who gave me 3 bottles at recycler because "they would not go in stared afterwards at my screen - now that's charitable. suv older with dp plates near chase stopped by me and when I turned to look at plates it left. pair walking by quik serv - would you like dollar -that is what they called money. here- at tower probably some can attempted by persecution car aiding community theft dictatorship project. just then several persons on bikes with trash containers attached to bikes likely for can collection passed by. the so called false charitables make friends with stations to assist targeting me for self protection. they are false worthless persecution and dictatorship arm of community which steals tons but offers worthless insults back. they are doing community political business in exchange for donations and status. highly suspicious small red car by transit center. waolking up bridge - are you "all right?" huge pile of bangers was at bench by bridge seemed to quiet down when car pointed light at them. person walking out of bridge walk to side mumbling then barking. on nelson halfway betw table mountain and home depot someone sounded rather furious. white truck turn on nelson from 3rd  yelling fuck you. police were not far behind and nothing happened. the landreth team/public counsel/landreth atty Christian lamond --bad news. almond gave keys away w/o my permission or knowledge then tried to push me to sign over for 30K. landreth got public counsel as his associates to steal from me. when hired hernan vera alleged I am owed half. vera put me into street failed to act in my behalf signed off with landreth help while conspiring with landreth and his mental health services. vera assigned greg smith to assist protect crimes vs me. as result I lost lifetime of belongings belongings stored by vera and landreth and additional belongings stolen under almond management and when public counsel handed reigns back to landreth - the landreth arranged for a sunk boat because he likely could not collect commission without making an arrangement against me. law enforcement the butte and los angeles counties like the abuse of helpless and justify it at all times - with that justice America is fully covered by sinking the undesirables. $$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999999 gazillion dollars sought vs usa for its 40 yrs of ter acts against my life to be used for my sweet and lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! likewise david daniels of public counsel homeless would not act to protect my trailer as public counsel was already working to hard costing me yet another $18K.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

america's paid persecution services

public works bus stop - here! courthouse bus stop - hi! how you doing? curly dark haired smoker coming off bridge on bike - how you doing? shell - lousy white truck - hi , ma'am - probably homeless cold weather retarded services. trash can at myers Montgomery had empty envelope from far northern retard services on outside of envelope it said 2- $50 food checks. my friend also told me someone said to him that those services paid their rent for unknown reasons on top of regular disabled  check she received. for long time someone said they had free bus passes for clients but amother party suggested those were being billed to medical insurance. front of veterans bldg. bike said - hello!!!person walking off bridge then bike off bridge and then bike into bridge. car beep going by home depot. white truck parked inside home depot lot near 3rd street sidewalk. was outside with cell and walked in when I walked by. $$$$$$9999999999999999999999999999999...................................... gazillion dollars sought vs usa for its 40 yrs of ter acts to my life so that I could enjoy a lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2015

america out to help own ter acts

female walking nelson turn 12th - happy new year but that's to herself and her kind and not you. county drive sginy dark suv parked ooposite side of walkway pull out for unknown reasonsvaleros car observing me pulls out and empties can - here!!!!!!! JUST AN ORGANIZED persecution scam and insult you can believe it. by dollar tree store black bum - how are you? party to persecution. dodge voice over drive through dollar tree lot. the terrorists go round and organize fraud scams likely claiming other than recycling simply to bully targets they dislike such as myself. white car olive highway - here sir! - another scam the terrorists got going calling me sir. truck pass by on olive highway by liquor store and sound off the terrorizing siren. front of Chinese restaurant in raleys lot car announce - just here to help - persecuting me for retard services if not worse.crossing Mitchell on myers strange acting female - I could not tell what she was saying. female crossing table mountain - would you like something from store- insult persecution scam. 4 gang bangers going into apt bldg. table and nelson what you looking at? fuck bag lady but the scoundrel said happy new year to white suv pulling in. bike on nelson before home depot said sorry but was not in bike lane rather he was flush inside the road walkway. bike approaching 3rd and nelson asking for cigarette numerous times. downtown Oroville had toilet closed to accommodate laziness and true to form malicious persecution of the so called undesired class. when America dislikes someone they find devices and ways to persecute to target and to eliminate as scum who is better established is typically also better at pulling society's levers and appealing to what society prefers -nasty country and low people.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

america after purposed target

white mini van with horn turning nfrom nelson into 3rd. persecution from 259 table mountain blvd trained to scream - hi!! valeroas white large chevy dp sticker pickup likely bank person step out of suv as it left. person inside observed transaction for unknown purpose. bum sitting by dollar tree in brown hat - how are you doing? skunk step out of pizza - happy new year!!!!!!!!! food van by liquor store likely has ulterior motives and may falsely claim to know me assisting America's ter community's ulterior motives. lousy car by tower gas offered money insult. peanut butter sandwich was planted in trash at store entry.walking past transit couple - how are you doing? as fake as they come. homeless by civic auditorium saying she has house to warm up in - when I told their scout I have to go freeze at home the day before  smoking poisoning me towards bridge another persecution terrorist. scum walking out of alliance store attempted to insult me with insult change and when I refused it threw it under my feet likely planning to further assist problems trash create at gas stations for persecution terrorizing self feeding community ter assistance with persecuting targets and stealing moneys, etc. undercover followed me on 3rd to assist its purposed American fried persecution. america is ter  country where some are purposed persecuted w/o rights and w/o ways to income.