Friday, January 9, 2015

ter states of amer proudly promotes persecution

7th and nelson beige mini van wave at me for purpose of terrorizing persecution llaiance red suv with metal line through mid body - want these cans re 2 cans ? I told him - no but ter acts of America moves on with governmental blessings it seems and at no cost. valeros - do you take plastic bottles? no. but the terrorists are not done regardless what you tell them or not they are party of America's malicious insult persecution terrorizing. passing selves as charitable these thieves persecution artists terrorists criminals and scum waltz up their persecution ter acts w/o business cards and without being sued. would you like some help ? $1 scum spit insults thieves actually look to steal all for selves and pers ter acts in support of amer smokers drug addicts thieves and pers artists and false charity. there is a bottle there behind bus stop - coming from pers team scoundrel in on ter pers terrorizing amer ter campaign. here - money insult scoundrel going to big lots. here- vehicle by dollar tree in hurry to hide its license plate because they are prof pers artists assisting community pro landreth pro publ counsel pro system vs people terrorizing ter campaigns and not me. olive hwy a-1 appliance plaza 2 on bikes one saying something nasty I didn't catch. these are conniving trash and thieves who get paid to camouflage and enhance amer ter acts. just before let's party store sneak up from behind ter male -0 do you got a lighter? dude by library I've been "there" before - are you hungry? on table mountain car went into soc sec lot then out and into hof brau lot where it was stationed for some prolonged time for unknown reasons. at allianace white car waited until black small car arrived and accepted a passenger from the white it seems. on nelson first apt bldg. had area smoked up and smokers passing through. then susp car seemingly went through 2nd apt complex driveway all the way towards grand. on opposite isde of nelson drug addict dealer whatever was mouthing off sounded like some sort of shot threats and when I caught up to the area single male on drugs tried playing stupid games re which way he was going. chevron had no cans and it was possibly late as dollar general lights went out same as alliance gas on way back. no more incidents but most waste was scooped out by pro scooper from nelson dumpsters. I do not know what he does with the trash except one time I sa whim sell an old fan to recycler and try to sell some cologne insult waste to me and had endless new stories why he needed all this badly.

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